Man, it sure is frustrrating trying to find a job around here. I have an interview tomrrow, but that's just one. It seems that virtually no body is hiring!

hey... sorry you cant find a job up there... that sucks... and thanx for what you said in your comment to me... i mean ... it help a lil... but it sucks so freakin bad.. ive cryed myself to sleep for the last couple of days... i dont like that... its hard at home also... my parents fight all the time and my mom bitches at me all the time for being online... but thats all i have... tiff and the internet... and im not going to pawn my self on tifff and try to hang out with her all the time... even tho i know she will when ever she can... but i wouldnt do that to her.. you know... but thanx

Good luck with job hunting.