someone at my work today put SHIT in my boss's water bottle. he didn't notice til after he drank it. HAHAHAHA so amazing. that person is my hero. my boss was PISSED. he thorugh boxes around and yelled and kicked shit. and then he left at 3. so we got the rest of our day without him
. that owned.
..ok i'm just gonna edit this post..cuz i want everyone who comes here to be able to read about my manager.
i just saw garden state. i finally convinced a friend's exgriflriend to take me, cuz she works at the theater. and she's about the only girl i know in this town that i would even bother going with.
except for the fact that she talked on her phone for about a half hour of the movie..the movie was amazing. one of the best i've seen in a really long time. i'm way into cheesey shit.
so i just found fleur..i can't believe i've never seen her before. her set went up back when i was pretty inactive on here. but still. you would think i would have seen her by now. but wow. she's gorgeous.

..ok i'm just gonna edit this post..cuz i want everyone who comes here to be able to read about my manager.
i just saw garden state. i finally convinced a friend's exgriflriend to take me, cuz she works at the theater. and she's about the only girl i know in this town that i would even bother going with.
except for the fact that she talked on her phone for about a half hour of the movie..the movie was amazing. one of the best i've seen in a really long time. i'm way into cheesey shit.
so i just found fleur..i can't believe i've never seen her before. her set went up back when i was pretty inactive on here. but still. you would think i would have seen her by now. but wow. she's gorgeous.
btw, hi new friend