i haven't shaved in 2 weeks. its really starting to bug the hell outta me, but at the same time, i'm way too lazy to even bother with it. the other day my friend steven's dad said "what you're trying to cultivate on your face, grows wild on my ass." and he's pretty much right.
why do i never have anything relevant to say? everyone else's journal i read, they've all got something remotely interesting or compelling to read. i write about dodgeball, bad luck with ladies, and facial hair. no wonder nobody reads this crap.
why do i never have anything relevant to say? everyone else's journal i read, they've all got something remotely interesting or compelling to read. i write about dodgeball, bad luck with ladies, and facial hair. no wonder nobody reads this crap.
Steven's dad is a funny funny man... haha.
I like to read your journal! I think you're neat
I haven't shaved in awhile either...ewwww