my mom just told my brother that either he had to live with her, at her boyfriend's house, and live under strict rules, or he could find somewhere else to live.
awesome. i'll have a clean house for once. living with cody made me apathetic towards the mess i lived in, mostly because he is the biggest slob i've ever seen, and it's impossible to pick up after him.
oh, and now i'll no longer have to fight with him over the use of MY computer, on the phone line that i pay for, on the internet account i pay for. awesome.
AAAAAAAAAAAND i don't have to go to work worrying if someone's gonna eat the food i bought. i hate the fact that i live with my brother, and i pay bills and he doesn't. and then he mooches all of my shit. about fucking time something happened.
now i can just hope he gets a job and pays back the 100 dollars he owes me. weeeeeeeeeeee house all to myself.
my mom just told my brother that either he had to live with her, at her boyfriend's house, and live under strict rules, or he could find somewhere else to live.
awesome. i'll have a clean house for once. living with cody made me apathetic towards the mess i lived in, mostly because he is the biggest slob i've ever seen, and it's impossible to pick up after him.
oh, and now i'll no longer have to fight with him over the use of MY computer, on the phone line that i pay for, on the internet account i pay for. awesome.
AAAAAAAAAAAND i don't have to go to work worrying if someone's gonna eat the food i bought. i hate the fact that i live with my brother, and i pay bills and he doesn't. and then he mooches all of my shit. about fucking time something happened.

now i can just hope he gets a job and pays back the 100 dollars he owes me. weeeeeeeeeeee house all to myself.
kick his ass!
Swedish. House to the self. Bums to the curb.