Well good to hear, hah... I eat an organic bee-friendly (so much as it can be) honey sometimes as well. So long as it\s done in moderation and ethically, I have no problem with animal consumption at all, actually (although I don't eat it myself).
Speaking of mint green, I'm thinking of painting my appartment a similar colour
Yeah, I like that "I need to know how the glass got that way," addenum. To me, it points out how a) life is an ever-shifting thing b) how we effect it (were we filling the glass, drinking it, or did we just find it that way).
1-10 just east of town... I got up to 110 once on that stretch, but then it started raining, and wearing only a tshirt and glasses, that was way too painful.
i have a friend that is simmilar. who thinks im odd for wanting to visit somwhere like U.S., Canada, or Africa to go hunting an animal so i can cook it and eat it the same day
i see it i have te balls to live up to the not so pretty side of eating animals. my opinion is if its dead and its edable ill eat it