YAY!!! im done with work
time to relax drink a few beers and have some fun. to bad today isnt friday it would be so much better. oh well im just glad today is done of course i had the day from hell and to top it off my friend david called me from pacific beach and told me that there is a huge block party going on and i knew it was a big event cause i heard about on the radio and hes telling me to get my ass down there but the shitty thing was when he called i was at work. i was so pissed cause i wanted to go but thats alright cause in about three weeks im going to be in VEGAS
its going to be sooo hot out there but thats alright thats what the pool is for plus your indoors most of the time anyways. then the next big thing is pride and thats in like two months
i also have some other stuff going on i just dont know dates yet but im hoping soon. i went to the movies last night and saw "monster-in-law" it was funny a couple of times i laughed so hard that i couldnt breathe. well its time for me to get off the damn computer and start drinking some beer and having some fun cause damn it i deserve it

do it!
do it now!