hello all
its been such a long time since i was last on here. lets see where to start, vegas was a blast (of course) the weather was perfect the people were fucking crazy and the beer was flowing like water
god i fucking love that town. i wish i could have stayed longer but i had to go back to reality
i went to my favorite club "the beach" and party like there was no tomorrow then the next night we went to a brand new club called "pure" it was cool, good music, drinks werent that bad(price wise), and hot women everywhere
and i also found out that the pussycat dolls have a show at caesar's place... so YAY! and incase some of you guys dont know who they are just watch chariles angels 2 or just go to pussycatdolls.com so when i go to vegas in june im sooo going to see the show. as far as anything else things are still the same just working i have to pay for that car some how. i finally went to my club in san diego i havent been there in like a month and to be gay and not go out for a month is like a lifetime. also i was reminded of something that is coming up in like 2 months and i cant wait untill it gets here...PRIDE IS COMING
im so excited ive been waiting a whole year for this and i had such a blast the past two years ive gone. its so much fun its just one big weekend of drinking, dancing, bar hoping and sex, sex, sex(well my brother does a lot of the last part i just mostly do the first three) this time were getting a hotel so i dont have to drive back and forth cause thats a lot of gas and miles on my car. i still cant wait everytime i think about it i get this huge smile on my face and i get all happy. well as far as big news thats it hopfully ill be on here a lot more so i can catch up with everyone. so untill next time i hope everyone has a great weekend and have a good night or day where ever you may be

