- on German or Japanese in cunning linguists
- on dollypanda's blog post
- on dollypanda's blog post
- on dollypanda's blog post
- on dollypanda's photo
- on dollypanda's photo
Hewo, SGland! Today is my birthday! Even though I hate winter, I really like the fact that my birthday is at the end of the year, because being at the end of the year, so close to Christmas and New Year, I usually do all my end-of-year evaluation then. I know I haven't been on SG a lot these days, I have been busy with...
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Hewo, SGland! I completely forgot to answer to last question I was tagged by @fredhincanada to do! Sorry about that....
The last question is:
7. What is one of your favorite simple meals from your childhood you still love today?
For me, it would have to be okonomiyaki, or maybe modan yaki! It is fairly easy to make, even though it sounds more complicated. Modan...
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Hewo, SGland! I'm back again with the 7 blog posts that I was tagged in by @fredhincanada!
The 6th question was about my favourite meme or joke, but I am not really into meme, and my sense of humour is pretty dark so... I'll take the replacement question he offered, which is:
6. Tell us something you have created that you love.
I would say,
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Hewo, SGland! I am continuing on the 7 blog posts a day that I was tagged by @fredhincanada to do! So, today it is the 5th question:
5. A book or book series that you love.
So, I thought about the Harry Potter series, but...... no. I have passed on to other books since then!
I don't know about a series per se, but I
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Hewo, SGland! I am back again with 7 blog posts that I was tagged by @fredhincanada to do over 7 days! Today is the fourth day, so fourth question:
4. A video game that you have spent the most of hours playing.
Oh, that is very easy for me lol Genshin Impact. I have over 1000 hours on it.... So, I started playing Genshin in
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Hewo, SGland! I am continuing on the 7 blog posts a day that I was tagged by @fredhincanada to do for engagement! The third question is:
3. One of your comfort movies/series that you have seen more than 3 times.
That is quite easy to me... Harry Potter lol I don't know, something about those movies just fill me with nostalgia, especially the first, second
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