There are several things I really enjoy about being a home-owner versus the "apartment in the ghetto" dweller I was just a month ago. For one, I can walk around naked and there are no worries that someone is going to be trying to peek in the patio doors because the dogs lay in the blinds and push them open. On one hand, this is because here at the house, we don't have patio doors for the dogs to lay in. On the other hand, if we did, we are still far enough away from the other neighbors that if someone did happen to see in whilst I was walking around naked, they wouldn't be able to completely tell. Secondly, I can have sex as loud as I want, whenever I want, in whatever room I want, without worry that someone smoking in the breezeway is going to hear me if we're in the living room, or if we're going to wake the people sleeping upstairs at 4am. Thirdly, I don't get woken up by what sounds like elephants crashing through the floors at what I consider an ungodly hour (that's anything before 11 am, kids).
But, by far, the best thing about home-ownership is, that, given finances to do so, the minute I decide I hate the blinds/wall color/light fixtures/etc...I can change them. If I hate linoleum and want to put down tile, I can. If I want to paint the entire house lime green with red polka dots (not that I'd want to) I can. If I want to plant big trees or tiny flowers or whatever outside (when the weather gets nice) I can. It's glorious. I have, so far, painted the hallway bathroom a beautiful shade of brownish taupe called "Harvest Gold" (it reminds me of wet clay on a potter's wheel) and our bathroom is a cool shade of grey called "Feldspar". It's a light grey, and after next Saturday, our bedroom is going to be a color four shades darker called "Knight's Armor". People have been giving me funny looks when I tell them my bedroom is going to be slate grey, but when both of it's occupants work at night and sleep during the day (and given the amount of white trim and closet doors), I think it's going to look great.
After the bedroom is done, I have the office to paint and the spare bedroom. I just haven't decided on colors. Eventually we're going to put tile down in the bathrooms and extend the hardwood floors into the kitchen, and further down the road than THAT (we're talking YEARS), we're going to finish the garage and make it a giant sunken living room.
Oh, and after being 34 days late, and taking two negative pregnancy tests, I started my period today. Yes, THIRTY FOUR DAYS, people. Scared much?
Not as much as we were. Since I was so late, I am feeling pretty well shitty, so I've been keeping myself doped up on pain pills and such today. Hopefully it will be ok tomorrow, since I go back to work.
The holidays were great. New Year's Eve was spent winning imaginary money from JP and his family in Texas Hold-Em Poker. Who knew I was a card shark?
Already, just two days in, 2006 is shaping up to be great. 2005, on a personal level, was fantastic, and I think this year is even going to blow that out of the water. I hope YOUR 2006 is incredible, too.
But, by far, the best thing about home-ownership is, that, given finances to do so, the minute I decide I hate the blinds/wall color/light fixtures/etc...I can change them. If I hate linoleum and want to put down tile, I can. If I want to paint the entire house lime green with red polka dots (not that I'd want to) I can. If I want to plant big trees or tiny flowers or whatever outside (when the weather gets nice) I can. It's glorious. I have, so far, painted the hallway bathroom a beautiful shade of brownish taupe called "Harvest Gold" (it reminds me of wet clay on a potter's wheel) and our bathroom is a cool shade of grey called "Feldspar". It's a light grey, and after next Saturday, our bedroom is going to be a color four shades darker called "Knight's Armor". People have been giving me funny looks when I tell them my bedroom is going to be slate grey, but when both of it's occupants work at night and sleep during the day (and given the amount of white trim and closet doors), I think it's going to look great.
After the bedroom is done, I have the office to paint and the spare bedroom. I just haven't decided on colors. Eventually we're going to put tile down in the bathrooms and extend the hardwood floors into the kitchen, and further down the road than THAT (we're talking YEARS), we're going to finish the garage and make it a giant sunken living room.
Oh, and after being 34 days late, and taking two negative pregnancy tests, I started my period today. Yes, THIRTY FOUR DAYS, people. Scared much?

The holidays were great. New Year's Eve was spent winning imaginary money from JP and his family in Texas Hold-Em Poker. Who knew I was a card shark?
Already, just two days in, 2006 is shaping up to be great. 2005, on a personal level, was fantastic, and I think this year is even going to blow that out of the water. I hope YOUR 2006 is incredible, too.

I can't believe you're a homeowner. It gives me hope in the hopless plight of my journey through the California real estate doldrums... Someone, somewhere, my age, owns a home.