Favorite Song: "For You" Johnny Cash, featuring Dave Matthews
Favorite New Movie: It's a toss up between the 4th Harry Potter and Walk the Line
Days till we close on the Dream Home: 8
Days till we move out of this shithole and into the Dream Home: 10
Hours I worked today: 11
Book I'm reading: Wicked
Favorite New Scent: Bath and Body Works Vanilla Cranberry
Favorite New SG Set: Brixton- Damn!
Worst Withdrawal: World of Warcraft- I'm about to go play for the first time in 3 weeks!!
Nothing else new to report. Still offering hamburgers and beer to anyone willing to help pack.
Favorite Song: "For You" Johnny Cash, featuring Dave Matthews
Favorite New Movie: It's a toss up between the 4th Harry Potter and Walk the Line
Days till we close on the Dream Home: 8
Days till we move out of this shithole and into the Dream Home: 10
Hours I worked today: 11
Book I'm reading: Wicked
Favorite New Scent: Bath and Body Works Vanilla Cranberry
Favorite New SG Set: Brixton- Damn!
Worst Withdrawal: World of Warcraft- I'm about to go play for the first time in 3 weeks!!

Nothing else new to report. Still offering hamburgers and beer to anyone willing to help pack.

And yes, Brixton is teh hotness!
Bath and Body Works Vanilla Cranberry?? That sounds like it smells good... I love their stuff. I'm addicted to the Warm Vanilla Sugar
How was the fourth Harry Potter? We're waiting for things to calm down before we go see it.