Me: 1 Sexual Harrasser: 0
It's been a whirlwind of a last 2 days. Wednesday I had off of work, and I spent most of it trying to figure out what I was going to do about this work situation. I checked my email and found an email from a co-worker from the trucking company I worked at before Sears and before Target. I was a dispatcher there.
I emailed the lady back and casually asked if they were hiring or if she thought my old boss would give me my job back. She replied and said that they WERE in fact hiring for a position that would be a PROMOTION from what I used to do, that she talked to my old boss who said he'd be more than happy to bring me back in, and that she emailed me hoping I'd say something about coming back! How great is that?
So, then, upon realizing I had absolutely nothing to lose in an attempt to nail this harassing fuck to the wall, I decided to talk to 2 of my nicer co-workers about it. It turns out they also were tired of his behavior and had even had some things said and done to them (!) that would be considered sexual harassment. Along with some other mis-management issues and some revealing things that would totally strip this guy of his job, we all 3 decided to call the integrity hotline and lodge 3 formal complaints with the corporate office. We were told "Swift and immediate" action would be taken in regards to this matter, because as a whole, we presented the strongest misconduct case that they've seen in a long time.
Among the harassment, misconduct and mismanagement we reported:
1. My sexual harassment (outlined in the last journal)
2. Their sexual harassment- this dude walked in the office, unzipped his fly and demanded one of two of them get under the desk and suck his dick. On MULTIPLE occassions!
3. He is having a widely discussed inappropriate relationship with a level 1 team member. He is a level 3, and is strictly prohibited from having a sexual or dating relationship with a subordinate. He also has talked about the sexual relationship he had with a 17 year old (!) level 1 team member at the location he worked at before this one.
4. He was arrested, while employed by Target as an Asset Protection Executive for aggravated assault. He spent a few days in jail for choking someone at a bar until they went into seizures. AP people are NOT ALLOWED to have any sort of a criminal record, and it's a terminable offense to incur one while employed. He avoided termination because the store manager covered it up.
5. He was in anger management classes later than that for beating the brother-in-law of his childrens' mother to the point of hospitalization. Again, covered up.
6. He outright accused a team member of theft in front of several managers and other associates. When the team member said that he needed to watch who he was yelling at because one day his words would come back to haunt him, he threatened the guy's life, his wife and unborn child's life, and said that he would fuck him up.
7. Out of the 50 scheduled hours a week a manager is required to work, he is only there about 25. He's never worked a weekend, and he delegates HIS work tasks to us to do. If we don't do them, we get threatened.
I don't really think I can go into anymore without making this a HUGE entry, but you see now why I can't let this continue. Whether I stay at this job or not, this guy does not need to be in a supervisor position. I knew unless I said something I would not be able to leave with a clean heart- I would know forever that he's doing the same thing to others because I didn't take the chance and say something to make it stop. It's no longer a "I hate this guy for what he did to me" thing, it's an "I have to do this because it's the morally right thing to do" issue. I can't just sit by and watch this guy do these things to people. I know I can just move out and on and eventually up to better things in my life. Another team member we have can't. He's got no high school diploma, and he feels like he's stuck where he is. Why should he be subjected to the continuous degrading and berating and intimidation? I'm not doing this to help myself anymore, because I can (and am) going to just leave. I am doing this because I have to. It's weighed heavily on me and I actually had the chance to stop this guy.
So, now we'll see what the next few days hold. Tomorrow I'm supposed to get certified to make stops- by HIM and another manager. I feel it's going to be a waste of time because I'm only staying until the completion of this situation, but I can't tell them that because he doesn't know what's about to hit him yet. I've got front fucking row seats for him.
It's been a whirlwind of a last 2 days. Wednesday I had off of work, and I spent most of it trying to figure out what I was going to do about this work situation. I checked my email and found an email from a co-worker from the trucking company I worked at before Sears and before Target. I was a dispatcher there.
I emailed the lady back and casually asked if they were hiring or if she thought my old boss would give me my job back. She replied and said that they WERE in fact hiring for a position that would be a PROMOTION from what I used to do, that she talked to my old boss who said he'd be more than happy to bring me back in, and that she emailed me hoping I'd say something about coming back! How great is that?
So, then, upon realizing I had absolutely nothing to lose in an attempt to nail this harassing fuck to the wall, I decided to talk to 2 of my nicer co-workers about it. It turns out they also were tired of his behavior and had even had some things said and done to them (!) that would be considered sexual harassment. Along with some other mis-management issues and some revealing things that would totally strip this guy of his job, we all 3 decided to call the integrity hotline and lodge 3 formal complaints with the corporate office. We were told "Swift and immediate" action would be taken in regards to this matter, because as a whole, we presented the strongest misconduct case that they've seen in a long time.
Among the harassment, misconduct and mismanagement we reported:
1. My sexual harassment (outlined in the last journal)
2. Their sexual harassment- this dude walked in the office, unzipped his fly and demanded one of two of them get under the desk and suck his dick. On MULTIPLE occassions!
3. He is having a widely discussed inappropriate relationship with a level 1 team member. He is a level 3, and is strictly prohibited from having a sexual or dating relationship with a subordinate. He also has talked about the sexual relationship he had with a 17 year old (!) level 1 team member at the location he worked at before this one.
4. He was arrested, while employed by Target as an Asset Protection Executive for aggravated assault. He spent a few days in jail for choking someone at a bar until they went into seizures. AP people are NOT ALLOWED to have any sort of a criminal record, and it's a terminable offense to incur one while employed. He avoided termination because the store manager covered it up.
5. He was in anger management classes later than that for beating the brother-in-law of his childrens' mother to the point of hospitalization. Again, covered up.
6. He outright accused a team member of theft in front of several managers and other associates. When the team member said that he needed to watch who he was yelling at because one day his words would come back to haunt him, he threatened the guy's life, his wife and unborn child's life, and said that he would fuck him up.
7. Out of the 50 scheduled hours a week a manager is required to work, he is only there about 25. He's never worked a weekend, and he delegates HIS work tasks to us to do. If we don't do them, we get threatened.
I don't really think I can go into anymore without making this a HUGE entry, but you see now why I can't let this continue. Whether I stay at this job or not, this guy does not need to be in a supervisor position. I knew unless I said something I would not be able to leave with a clean heart- I would know forever that he's doing the same thing to others because I didn't take the chance and say something to make it stop. It's no longer a "I hate this guy for what he did to me" thing, it's an "I have to do this because it's the morally right thing to do" issue. I can't just sit by and watch this guy do these things to people. I know I can just move out and on and eventually up to better things in my life. Another team member we have can't. He's got no high school diploma, and he feels like he's stuck where he is. Why should he be subjected to the continuous degrading and berating and intimidation? I'm not doing this to help myself anymore, because I can (and am) going to just leave. I am doing this because I have to. It's weighed heavily on me and I actually had the chance to stop this guy.
So, now we'll see what the next few days hold. Tomorrow I'm supposed to get certified to make stops- by HIM and another manager. I feel it's going to be a waste of time because I'm only staying until the completion of this situation, but I can't tell them that because he doesn't know what's about to hit him yet. I've got front fucking row seats for him.
Hope all works out well for you