Kicking a cold I caught a week ago.
Wore one of my new suits to work on Wednesday. Surprised to meet a former Prime Minister in the afternoon.
Reading The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith by Peter Carey. It's wonderful. I'm starting to really resent all the mediocre new novels I have to read for work because they get in the way of all the books I already own but haven't yet read, such as this one and Carey's last two novels which remain uncracked on the shelf next to me. At least the free books keep coming.
Bought the shirt I'll wear to my wedding. Surprised that I had to go to 3 stores (Winners, a brand-name discounting chain like TJ Max) to find a white cotton shirt with French cuffs, let alone one with a herringbone pattern in the fabric and shoulder pleats. Relieved that the one I finally found happened to be exactly my size. Still looking for a tie, though several candidates were spotted today. Kicking myself for not buying the lot and returning whichever ones don't work.
Reserved a tux for a black tie dinner on the 14th.
Really enjoying clothes this week. Starting to feel like I've ejected most of the stuff that makes me look and feel like a dork and accumulated pieces that work for me. Finally at a point where I can shop for clothes purposefully, for a piece that performs function X and will go with several articles I already own. It makes spending serious money a lot easier when you have a sense right away of how much wear you'll get out of something. It also means less money gets wasted on things that won't work, which in turn keeps money free for the stuff that will.
Looking forward to meeting our friends' new baby. Regretful that I was too sick to let myself near a hospital earlier in the week when Ginny dropped by.
Wore one of my new suits to work on Wednesday. Surprised to meet a former Prime Minister in the afternoon.
Reading The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith by Peter Carey. It's wonderful. I'm starting to really resent all the mediocre new novels I have to read for work because they get in the way of all the books I already own but haven't yet read, such as this one and Carey's last two novels which remain uncracked on the shelf next to me. At least the free books keep coming.
Bought the shirt I'll wear to my wedding. Surprised that I had to go to 3 stores (Winners, a brand-name discounting chain like TJ Max) to find a white cotton shirt with French cuffs, let alone one with a herringbone pattern in the fabric and shoulder pleats. Relieved that the one I finally found happened to be exactly my size. Still looking for a tie, though several candidates were spotted today. Kicking myself for not buying the lot and returning whichever ones don't work.
Reserved a tux for a black tie dinner on the 14th.
Really enjoying clothes this week. Starting to feel like I've ejected most of the stuff that makes me look and feel like a dork and accumulated pieces that work for me. Finally at a point where I can shop for clothes purposefully, for a piece that performs function X and will go with several articles I already own. It makes spending serious money a lot easier when you have a sense right away of how much wear you'll get out of something. It also means less money gets wasted on things that won't work, which in turn keeps money free for the stuff that will.
Looking forward to meeting our friends' new baby. Regretful that I was too sick to let myself near a hospital earlier in the week when Ginny dropped by.
As much as I try to deny it, haberdashery does certainly define the rising executive. Even if you've noted contextual sarcasm for this in the past, none is implied here: Godspeed.
Wearing new clothes always makes a work day better.