Last day of my rotation, and what a doozy. I got punched in the face by a psychotic patient. Ouch.
I was more disturbed by what a fuss was made about it. They made me go to the ER (totally unecessary). Some attendings took me out for drinks. The only good thing to come out of it all was that I learned that the attending I have such a mad crush on is very much NOT gay. :-) Taken, but not gay. So I'm not completely fantasizing up the wrong tree. Worth getting clocked for almost. ;-)
I was more disturbed by what a fuss was made about it. They made me go to the ER (totally unecessary). Some attendings took me out for drinks. The only good thing to come out of it all was that I learned that the attending I have such a mad crush on is very much NOT gay. :-) Taken, but not gay. So I'm not completely fantasizing up the wrong tree. Worth getting clocked for almost. ;-)
man i always crush on ladies that are taken. but i do things differently, i like to get to know a person b4 asking them out and all the ladies get to the "friends zone" and don't want to go out...