Just got back from China. I'm exhausted :-) It was fun. Great, even. On the downside, I went with a large group of Americans (like, 100+). Never again. On the plus side, I'm in love with China. Sooooo fucking great. Still, it's nice to be back in America, land of toilets, toilet paper, drinkable water and other niceties. I'm sad to think I probably can't afford to visit there again for a few years. Gives me time to learn some Chinese I guess. The only way I could get myself to leave without sinking into a depression was to promise myself I will buy a house in Guilin when I get some money. Stay there one month out of every year and rent it out to other tourists the rest of the time.
More Blogs
Friday Oct 20, 2006
One more day, one more day.... I go on vacation starting tomorrow nig… -
Sunday Sep 17, 2006
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. Residency just got REAL hard. :-( Dr … -
Friday Jul 28, 2006
Last day of my rotation, and what a doozy. I got punched in the face … -
Tuesday Jul 25, 2006
So, it hasn't even been a month into residency yet, and already I hav… -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
okay, okay, so I know I almost never post!! :-( My bad. But I doubt t… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
hey friends, guess what? I'm a doctor now. -
Tuesday Apr 04, 2006
Holy crap, I haven't written anything on here for like a million year… -
Wednesday Jan 04, 2006
Tentative list of my favorite movies in 2005. I haven't seen Match Po… -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2005
Why I'm the luckiest girl in New York: So, I have the entire month… -
Thursday Dec 15, 2005
One hour until the MTA strike deadline. If there's a strike I am goin…