I work with an older man, who is not the smartest person I have worked it (was that a nice way of saying he's an idiot)
It's just strange, all my life I have been told to never raise my voice to my elders, but oh well. I find myself talking to him likes he's a child. I know he propbably thinks I am the...
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i saw that movie we were talking about and i put a short review in my journal....
Yay for being in love. Boo for being lonely.
Yeah I had a good day at work...finally.

as you can see i've changed my name from mosfozzy to....jeffvader....


Work sucks ass. Everytime I think this job is getting better, something happens that pisses me off. I don't get paid enough to be treated like shit. I do the absolute best I can, so who cares if I screw up on one minuet detail (which only happens once every blue moon), it's not the end of the world, nor does it mean I am...
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Elimidate has to be one of the funniest shows on tv....well besides arrested development.
well not much happenend last week..smoked some bowls, still having trouble sleeping, hung out with some friends...yeah thats about it.
I'm so broke right now. I started selling Mark products to make some extra money, or at least enough money to pay for gas. $2.77/gal
I am going to be so...
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well not much happenend last week..smoked some bowls, still having trouble sleeping, hung out with some friends...yeah thats about it.
I'm so broke right now. I started selling Mark products to make some extra money, or at least enough money to pay for gas. $2.77/gal

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yeah, finding a job in san diego is quite the bitch lately

my upstairs neighbor is always stomping on his floor/my ceiling when ever i play my radio in the bathroom too loud (for him) but if i don't turn it up i can't hear it over the shower . sometimes he jumps for no reason whatsoever. itt's not like he can exercise in the bathroom....
Small update...The Festival Del Mar was so much fun. I got to rock out to Third World, Blackalicious, Karl Denson's Tiny Universe, and Mraz. The weather was perfect and there was nothing but smoke and positive vibes in the air. I loved every moment of it. Oh and I bought the cutest skirt at one of the many sellers booths they had. I also bought...
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o how i miss the words: The Del Mar Fair. i remember so many great free concerts there. james brown, ray charles, smokey robinson, ...jermaine jackson
the gap band....
i don't like boats. i've been on a cruise liner once and that was smoothe sailing. i went whale watching once and i wanted to vomit. i also went on a mormon dance cruise on this small boat ( it had two levels) and that wasn't so bad...

i don't like boats. i've been on a cruise liner once and that was smoothe sailing. i went whale watching once and i wanted to vomit. i also went on a mormon dance cruise on this small boat ( it had two levels) and that wasn't so bad...
pics of me
I am so freaking happy..I got tickets to see Ray at the new House of Blues in S.D.
I love him, for all of you that like really chill music, i suggest buying his cd. His name is Ray LaMontagne...it's a man and his guitar; it's some good shit I promise. The concerts not until July but that's okay because I have something to look...
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I'm happy you're happy
Good luck with the job search

Thanks for the kind words

It's such a beautiful day today, it sucks that I have to go to work

we have had really nice weather too.
Strange for the time of year so something will go wrong later haha
Strange for the time of year so something will go wrong later haha
could be worse....could be a mediocre day...*trying to think of something clever that no one has ever thot of before but all those clever thots have been taken*....
[Edited on Apr 08, 2005 9:56PM]

[Edited on Apr 08, 2005 9:56PM]
Searching for a job is one of the biggest headaches
If anyone out there knows how to do resumes please let me know because mine needs help
besides that, life is great. I have a crush on someone and i haven't had one of those in years

If anyone out there knows how to do resumes please let me know because mine needs help
besides that, life is great. I have a crush on someone and i haven't had one of those in years

I might be able to help streamline. Wanna email yours to me?
So I go to my car and I see that my liscense plate is gone
that just sucks ass now I am stuck waiting at the DMV for hours because they don't have available appointments until April.
I hate my job, I really need a new one.
I love my cat, at night she sleeps right under me for the entire night...que cute!!!
The few...
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I hate my job, I really need a new one.
I love my cat, at night she sleeps right under me for the entire night...que cute!!!
The few...
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yeah, i'm feeling a lot better...just a little sniffle. sorry to hear about your license plate

It sounds like a bunch of things have not been great (including the car) but i an glad things are looking up.
what sort of work are you looking for?
what sort of work are you looking for?
I haven't had an update in so long..the sad part is that I don't have much of an update. I just got back from m vacation early yesterday and I have never been so happy to be back in Cali. I guess now I should stop complaining about S.D. because I never knew how much I love this city!
Flordia is different. I really liked...
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Flordia is different. I really liked...
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You're alive! Oh my god, that story is awful
Damn no good asshats who don't know how to act in public!

hi welcome back, i thought you had left the site or something
It sounds like you had an eventful trip, Going away always makes your home town seem different when you return.
It sounds like you had an eventful trip, Going away always makes your home town seem different when you return.
There's not much of an update I just wanted to add that House of Flying Daggers is such a beautiful movie, I would suggest it to any and everyone, esp. those who loved Hero.
I will finally be taking a much needed vacation to Flordia in March. I am excited because I get to visit my friend that moved there last June. Since she has...
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I will finally be taking a much needed vacation to Flordia in March. I am excited because I get to visit my friend that moved there last June. Since she has...
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happy valentine's day....

Happy Valentine's Day!