Not so many titties...
We checked into the Jupiter at around 9pm. We drew naughty things on the Chalkboard Doors and took compromising pictures.
The Rocky Horror weirdos were getting ready for their show, and there was a roller derby or something gearing up too.
We wanted steak at the Acropolis, but it was waaay too packed in there. We went back to the hotel and re-grouped. Decided on hoofing it to the diner/bar accross the street called the Galaxy. It was Kareoke Night. I am not a big kareoke fan. We had bad food (I ordered Nachos Supreme and was all excited for some greasy, cheesy, alcohol blocking sniggity snacks, but ended up with a plate of chips with a cup of salsa, and another plate with chili, melted cheese, a pile of shredded lettuce and a huge glob of sour cream) and some drinks to go along with the bad singing, then went back across the street to Union Jacks Club. That was pretty fun. We saw one girl from here dance (I just saw her page here today), she didn't smile though and I think she got mad at Holly for not tipping, even though she was out of money and we were only at the meat rack cuz there was no where else to sit. Holly was like, "Fuck this place" and left. I don't think she got into the whole strip club thing. There was some cool chicks there though. Kerry and Brandy had fun, and I had fun watching them get all excited and "WhooooOO!!!"-ing at the girls who would shake there ass. We were going to get table dances, but were never asked and didn't feel it as the night wore on.
We went back to the hotel cuz James, Nicole and Jen were going to be back from Rocky Horror soon, so we went into Doug Fir which at first glance looked lame, but was actually really cool. They needed Twin Peaks playing in there though.
Drunken Debauchery ensued and we ended up having fun. Holly got pretty drunk and injected herself into the Roller Derby crowd and was making out with a buncha girls. She also gave Brandy the lap dance she didn't get from the stripper she wanted.
Got to bed at 5am, didn't sleep much, left at noon and got back home by 4 or so. We did stop at Sherry's in Kelso and got some breakfast.
Holly slept in the car because she was wore out from all the drunken debauchery and honestly was still a bit drunk.
So now I am home, and will download me camera and throw the pictures of this story into it.
We checked into the Jupiter at around 9pm. We drew naughty things on the Chalkboard Doors and took compromising pictures.

The Rocky Horror weirdos were getting ready for their show, and there was a roller derby or something gearing up too.
We wanted steak at the Acropolis, but it was waaay too packed in there. We went back to the hotel and re-grouped. Decided on hoofing it to the diner/bar accross the street called the Galaxy. It was Kareoke Night. I am not a big kareoke fan. We had bad food (I ordered Nachos Supreme and was all excited for some greasy, cheesy, alcohol blocking sniggity snacks, but ended up with a plate of chips with a cup of salsa, and another plate with chili, melted cheese, a pile of shredded lettuce and a huge glob of sour cream) and some drinks to go along with the bad singing, then went back across the street to Union Jacks Club. That was pretty fun. We saw one girl from here dance (I just saw her page here today), she didn't smile though and I think she got mad at Holly for not tipping, even though she was out of money and we were only at the meat rack cuz there was no where else to sit. Holly was like, "Fuck this place" and left. I don't think she got into the whole strip club thing. There was some cool chicks there though. Kerry and Brandy had fun, and I had fun watching them get all excited and "WhooooOO!!!"-ing at the girls who would shake there ass. We were going to get table dances, but were never asked and didn't feel it as the night wore on.
We went back to the hotel cuz James, Nicole and Jen were going to be back from Rocky Horror soon, so we went into Doug Fir which at first glance looked lame, but was actually really cool. They needed Twin Peaks playing in there though.
Drunken Debauchery ensued and we ended up having fun. Holly got pretty drunk and injected herself into the Roller Derby crowd and was making out with a buncha girls. She also gave Brandy the lap dance she didn't get from the stripper she wanted.
Got to bed at 5am, didn't sleep much, left at noon and got back home by 4 or so. We did stop at Sherry's in Kelso and got some breakfast.

Holly slept in the car because she was wore out from all the drunken debauchery and honestly was still a bit drunk.
So now I am home, and will download me camera and throw the pictures of this story into it.

Well, we didn't get to go to the Club part of Doug Fir, but we did have very delightful Fir Burgers and other fun stuff. After we left my Mecca (UJ) at like 2am, we went to Doug Fir and had breakfast. I had the best (and last) steak I've ever had. It was served with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Also, I thought I lost my hair pin, but I didn't, it was up in our room where we had gone to get freaky while we were waiting for a table. We got a private dance from the hottest girl in the world, Athena. It was one of the most fantastic times ever. Plus we got to meet the lovely London and I had an excellent drink called a hot apple pie at Dante's. Bonneville, Kara, Volks, scottfree, and I are flying down to SF this weekend! We will see Bettina and LuluMae during their first ever mini tour . We are the luckiest people in the world.