Can't wait to see the rest!  I guess this means I have to get a tattoo of you now?  Hehe
It will be awhile. I'm doing a sleeve with modern pinups.. doing linework first and then coloring.. but I will most definitely post when it's done. :)

Probably why i dont make friends easily anymore. Already had a lot that said they were going the distance only to leave early for whatever reasons. Give everything though for the ones still here.

I got you bro!

There are times when I wonder if I am apart of stories or if people remember me in good ways. I wonder if I effect people as much as they effect me... There are songs, that completely bring people to mind to me.. Once I get back to traveling there is going to places I know that will bring back those memories also.
I hope
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I wonder this too, it's interesting to think about the impact you might have made on someone else's life.
@angela14 I very much agree. It's funny that one of my best friends now, is someone I wasn't very good friends with in High School. Yet she told me that the things I did in high school left a imprint on her for a long time.

What a thing to think. 10 years ago, was living in Reno. Married. Working for CINTAS. Was in shape.
Fast forward and I've gone from coast to coast, separated. Adriana. Had a long term relationship with a long time friend that is already gone. Gone through 7 jobs.
The next 10 years. Who knows...I have plans that are not set in stone, which I've found
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Indeed. I've traveled a lot, and met a lot of people. Lot's of foggy memories of broken daylight and bright sunsets. I've seen those moments of intense connection slowly move away from words, and I've been left with broken words and lost moments. When you find those people, be it for a few months, a few days.. a few hours or a lifetime. Cherish them.
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When everything else is exhausting...redefine yourself by those who see you. Those who know you. Those who stand by you and only want you to be you.

Not everyone we meet is going to be inside that circle, that tribe, that squad. Yet the ones who are..you will tell by the difference in the way they see you and treat you.

Myself, oh i got
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@gaiah Thank you. Last year of my life has been one of the full of change ones. 
Mine has too. Or the last two years for me actually

Been an exhausting month. Between the extreme sleep patterns, increase in working while still trying to spend time with Adriana and friends. I'm fuckin beat. Probably far too tired and into my feels at this point but this is something that I've seen with so many of my friends and people I really care about. A almost perpetual circle of hiding, trying, failing, hiding, trying,...
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So true. Life is such a long marathon nowadays. I could YOLO but then i still have to wake up tomorrow and pay bills. Lol. The hardest thing in life at times is when you outgrow someone and cant stay around. It happens. For my own self i think that many times we meet people at different points on their paths and we either enter
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