my new music obsession is japanese alterna-pop like cornelius and Takako Minekawa. Cornelius in particular does this amazing kind of electronic My Bloody Valentine/Beach Boys thing which is fucking rad. Obsidity -- you'd love it. download this free mp3 from amazon:
Point of View
Oh yeah, and I chopped my hair off. I'm all clean cut. Except for the goatee. It's kind of freaky. Pictures coming if I can find the charger for my fucking camera...
Point of View
Oh yeah, and I chopped my hair off. I'm all clean cut. Except for the goatee. It's kind of freaky. Pictures coming if I can find the charger for my fucking camera...
speaking of which I am in desprate need of one myself and I can't find yonderboy's # again...
oh man, I gotta pay bob back for that ticket.