It was a nice day out so I took my Son Dakota to the water front to throw the baseball around...we had a great time and on our way home we stopped at an antique mall by the waterfront. i greeted the pretty gorl at the front desk and proceeded to scan the room as I always do ..looking for stuff that makes my heart race. A big nothing ,,,,until out of the corner of my eye ...I see a big RR crossing sign...yipper the old Marble kind...WOW.. I know Gary and Randy would trade me a bottle of wine for that thing...LOL...I went over and it had a sign on it (Consiner has pulled this longer for sale) DRAT...just then i noticed I wasnt jingling...yes Jingling.. I always do it. I keep all my keys on a clip and they jingle..I wasnt anymore. This made my heart race for the wrong lost my keys...all my keys except the car keys that were in my pocket. No tattoo shop keys unit keys etc.etc. Dakota and I took off to the field where we searched for about 20 minutes...nothing...we went home to look on the ground because i couldnt recal "jingling" at the park. we went back to the antique mall and nothing...the cute girl took my biz card and cell phone number (I wish it was for a different reason ) incase my keys turned up. Man...I am pretty bummed by now. I called my roommate and he said he would be home in an hour. dakota and i went home and looked around some more. I was agitated and felt I could force his bedroom window open and scoot him in...for scrying out load..i had been cooking Chicken and potato stew in the crockpot all day and i could smell it...LOL It worked...the junk latch went ping and flew off with out breaking the glass...COOL. I boosted him in and he went to unlock the door (which I just locked the handle on when we left) Excellent at least we could have some chicken and potatoes. UH...well find of the week was found right next to Dinner.
Yup...i had put my keys on the kitchen counter before I left and they were there the whole time....Man..i was happy to find them but DUH. Oh yes..on a side note...when I was putting the latch back on Dakotas window...sure enough the glass cracked...AAARRRGGGHH..didnt break when I forced it open but cracked when I go to put a junk latch back gotta be kidding me...LOL
OH what a hassle it would have been to get keys made there is alot of lil keys for things like gumball machine etc. I am so Happy. I might just be practicing for my senior this rate..looks as if I have them down pat...LOL

Yup...i had put my keys on the kitchen counter before I left and they were there the whole time....Man..i was happy to find them but DUH. Oh yes..on a side note...when I was putting the latch back on Dakotas window...sure enough the glass cracked...AAARRRGGGHH..didnt break when I forced it open but cracked when I go to put a junk latch back gotta be kidding me...LOL
OH what a hassle it would have been to get keys made there is alot of lil keys for things like gumball machine etc. I am so Happy. I might just be practicing for my senior this rate..looks as if I have them down pat...LOL

Your from Seatle???? Where do you tattoo??
How was the chicken and potatoes ... we're starving here, waiting for pizza!