I know it's been hammered into your heads countless times, but i'm here to make my case.
This past thursday night (it was around 12:30am, so technically it was friday the 13th) I was in a car accident.
A car ran a red light and T-boned our car, a Honda Accord. I was driving, and my girlfriend was the passenger. our car spun, then stopped....
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This past thursday night (it was around 12:30am, so technically it was friday the 13th) I was in a car accident.
A car ran a red light and T-boned our car, a Honda Accord. I was driving, and my girlfriend was the passenger. our car spun, then stopped....
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Thank god you're alive. What the fuck is going on with people lately? The worlds gone topsy turvy...black is white, up is down....

Thank god you're alive. What the fuck is going on with people lately? The worlds gone topsy turvy...black is white, up is down....

hey there i just wanted to let you know that i am doing another house cleaning thread and you need to comment there by monday, march 13th or you will be kicked out of the sg detroit group. thanks...

Happy Thanksgiving! hope you ate as much turkey as i did.
hey there i am just making my rounds and making sure that everyone is still coming to the holiday party and participating in the secret santa gift exchange...i am drawing the names on the 15th and will be letting you know through email who you have gotten on the 16th. so just let me know if anything has change so i can make the adjustments...can't wait to see you there...

i was just curious if you were going to be coming to the sg detroit holiday/3 year anniversary party...if you are i will need you to email me through my contact button with your name as it appears on your drivers license for guest list purposes. this is a privat party and will not be open to the public so you will have to be on the guest list to get in. also, i will need to know if you are going to be bringing a guest to the party or not...it's totally alright if you do i just need to add the plus to your name. if you could let me know as soon as possible that would be fantasic. thank you so much and i hope to see you there...

so i was tagged by artgrrl and apparently i'm supposed to say 20 interesting things about myself and tag 5 other people....dunno if i'll tag 5 other people but here are 20 interesting things about me.
1) I was born with a birthmark, or hemangioma on the right side of my face.
2) I love to dance
3) I'm a electronic music DJ. I don't...
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1) I was born with a birthmark, or hemangioma on the right side of my face.
2) I love to dance
3) I'm a electronic music DJ. I don't...
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every one is interesting... i had a hard time doing it when i got tagged, but oh well... trying to play their reindeer games... 

i cant wait for thursday....all i can think about is turkey.
i had a bad week this past week. our gas got turned off, which meant no heat, no hot water, no cooking. took 2 days to get it turned back on, plus $200 more than what we owed. My car had a flat tire wednesday morning on the way to work....i think someone may...
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i had a bad week this past week. our gas got turned off, which meant no heat, no hot water, no cooking. took 2 days to get it turned back on, plus $200 more than what we owed. My car had a flat tire wednesday morning on the way to work....i think someone may...
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That event sounds hot. And of course it's 300 miles away.
think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey
think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey think turkey
You've been tagged! You need to write 20 interesting things about yourself and tag 5 more people to do the same. Or you can just tell me to fuck off.
aww what expressive eyes
so cute
thanks for the compliment on my pictures
so cute
thanks for the compliment on my pictures

so broke its not funny. today i had to return bottles so i could afford some chicken pot pies so i can eat over the next couple days.
damn things take forever to cook. 35 minutes for a couple cups of chicken slop and crust.
damn things take forever to cook. 35 minutes for a couple cups of chicken slop and crust.
oh i've seen those rejected love is haha..yeah they're funny
being broke sucks...i'm not broke..but i was cut back to 3 days a week now at my waitressing job...and it sucks..yeah this is what i will post about on my next entry...
so now i have to either find something else part time or find something else full time and leave them high and dry..like they've basically left me
which sucks cos i really like working there

being broke sucks...i'm not broke..but i was cut back to 3 days a week now at my waitressing job...and it sucks..yeah this is what i will post about on my next entry...
so now i have to either find something else part time or find something else full time and leave them high and dry..like they've basically left me
which sucks cos i really like working there
birthday was good and wasted. got my spankings. got some good presents. ate some cake. and on we go. world keeps turnin.
if you still wanna spank me though, i'm accepting applicants.
if you still wanna spank me though, i'm accepting applicants.
