So what's new in the mediocre life of mine?....Hm...Quite a lot! I've been very sick for the last month! I got this terrible urinary tract infection, that if not treated as soon as I got to it, would have turned into a kidney infection. I was in such pain! I wanted to just cut my kidneys out! I finally got to the doctor, found out what was going on, and got put on some gross antibiotics. It cleared up a few days later. In that time I missed a lot of work and school. So my pockets are empty and my grades are even lower! Once that infection started to go away I got a mild cold, which just made me tired and miserable, but because I haven't been taking care of myself like I should, I keep getting sicker. Now I have a nasty viral infection! So, again I'm missing school and work. The medications the doc has me on are enough to tranquilize an elephant! So I sleep....a lot. Before I got this new infection, I had my birthday. I'm now the big 2-0. Yay, I guess. My party sucked, but I still got trashed. But my friend who was with me ended up with a kidney stone and we had to call her dad to take her to the ER! She scared the living hell out of me. On top of all the ailments, I finally kicked my ex out of my house. I wanted/needed the freedom. I have new people in my life, love interests, whatever. It's awkward when there is this dude that you've been with there all the time. It was also to the point where he was bumming off of me again. It was a reoccurring scenario throughout our entire 5 year relationship. So now I'm stuck with over $1000 in bills that I have no way of paying. And being the naive person I was, everything is in MY name. So it's MY problem even though they're are HIS bills. Not to mention I'm stuck with his fucking cat. I hate cats. I wish my pussy dog would eat the damned thing already because it's annoying the hell out of me.
Even being sick, watching my friend wither in pain, being so broke I don't have penny to my name, failing school, I'm very...happy. Maybe I'm happy because I've lost weight, so I'm almost in my 3's again. Or maybe I realized I have the best friends ever. Or maybe my addiction to a certain someone is no longer controlling my emotions. Or perhaps....I'm just happy in my misery.
And since I promised pictures of my new piercing, I will add it to this blog;
So there it is.(the lip)
I'm out.
Even being sick, watching my friend wither in pain, being so broke I don't have penny to my name, failing school, I'm very...happy. Maybe I'm happy because I've lost weight, so I'm almost in my 3's again. Or maybe I realized I have the best friends ever. Or maybe my addiction to a certain someone is no longer controlling my emotions. Or perhaps....I'm just happy in my misery.
And since I promised pictures of my new piercing, I will add it to this blog;

I'm out.
Hope you get well soon. No...fuck that...get well NOW! Love the piercing. I'm jealous, I want to get started on my piercings again. Maybe in another lifetime

Hey! Where'd you go? How've you been?