I woke up on Thursday with a 102.2 degree fever and the worst migraine I've had in my life. Every muscle in my body was spasming and I was just freakin' miserable, not to mention it was 80 degrees in the bedroom and I was still shivering. I popped a couple of motrin, hoping the fever would break enough to function and it did for...
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thanks for the comment on my set i hope you feel better i hate being sick, but who really does like it!! Happy easter!!
I'm back temporarily. Someone was gracious enough to float the bill for another 3 month subscription to SuicideGirls! All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH! It was anonymous, so I don't know who did it, but again, thanks a bunch.
Since I haven't been around in what seems like forever, I suppose I should give a long update.
In my previous posts, I...
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Since I haven't been around in what seems like forever, I suppose I should give a long update.
In my previous posts, I...
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well congrats, i too was floated 3 months by someone, and have also recently had a son . . . . . .once again congrats
Congrats on your son. They're a bunch of fun. Stetson and I had our first screaming/crying match yesterday. He screamed for like 4 hours and I just cried, I had no idea what he needed or wanted. And when he finally fell asleep I was exhausted. I don't how something so tiny can wear me out like he does. I used to be able to run marathons all day and still have energy. Oye.

So what's new in the mediocre life of mine?....Hm...Quite a lot! I've been very sick for the last month! I got this terrible urinary tract infection, that if not treated as soon as I got to it, would have turned into a kidney infection. I was in such pain! I wanted to just cut my kidneys out! I finally got to the doctor, found out...
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Hope you get well soon. No...fuck that...get well NOW! Love the piercing. I'm jealous, I want to get started on my piercings again. Maybe in another lifetime

Hey! Where'd you go? How've you been?
Wow!! I'm trying hard not to get overwhelmed with life again. I've finally come out of this state of major depression. FINALLY. I've been a major slacker and skipped a bunch of classes and now I'm playing catch up, my stupid job is working me WAY too many hours. Even though I've told them to cut back, they just pile more on. Fuckers. My social...
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So to add to my great body mods, I got my lip pierced on the 19th! I love it, but it's wicked annoying 'cause it bumps my teeth. It hurt less then my nose did(which hardly hurt). Even though it didn't hurt, I'm a major pussy and about passed out! Haha! Then the piercer couldn't get the bead on the stud. Now it's all pretty...
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Yeah it was pretty funny, i kept laughing for days after i saw it happen. He got a little miffed
So how are things 

Same old, same old, i am actually in the process of starting a ghost hunting group
So that's been keeping me busy, i need to train a lot of people and then find some diamonds in the rough. It's a shame not everyone can make the group. But safety first and most people are just thrill seekers. So i will see how it goes, hope you have an awesome weekend, sure sounds like it'll be fun.

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I can't believe they denied your application. You're freaking gorgeous. Hope your project worked out fine. 

great pics, look like you are happy in every one, and that's a breath of fresh air
I'm really excited! I sent in my model application today! I can't wait to hear the response, whether it's good or bad. I've been wanting to do this for years and I finally have an opportunity so I'm taking it! Wish me luck!
Hey how have you been? When I saw your profile I didn't recognize you at first. But anyway welcome I've been on here for about a year. I've been thinking of doing my own photo shoots for suicide boys. Well have fun.
Thing's are good. School is ok i'm slacking. But work is good I got a new job a the rock creek resturant. I'm a appitizer cook there. And finaly the national guard is good. Other than that i've just been sitting at home playing with myself. (video games)
I'm Jessi. I'm a new member. I was introduced to Suicide Girls a couple of years ago and fell in love. This is by far the most beautiful site I've been too.
Welcome to the site, i hope you enjoy your stay. 
