Sorry I haven't been around.
Started my own business.
Bought my way into another.
Started a third with my father.
Quit old job for good.
Running companies is surprisingly not nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Actually less stress than my old job.
I'll be busy for a bit, but I'm reachable on my new cell which is (old area code) 489-9352. I probably won't answer unless you're saved in my new phone so leave a message so I know you're not some telemarketer breaking the law by trying to solicit on a cell phone
Started my own business.
Bought my way into another.
Started a third with my father.
Quit old job for good.
Running companies is surprisingly not nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Actually less stress than my old job.
I'll be busy for a bit, but I'm reachable on my new cell which is (old area code) 489-9352. I probably won't answer unless you're saved in my new phone so leave a message so I know you're not some telemarketer breaking the law by trying to solicit on a cell phone

Geez, you are busy. Good luck with all that. I'd love to have my own business... <jealous>

Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!!