So... Updates... hmmm
Well, lets see how this goes.
First, moved into the new apartment. It's SOOOOOOO nice to have a place of my own again. I'm about 12 minutes away from work and 10 away from play, can't complain. The surrounding area is very nice and all but I think the thing i love the most is my huge garden style tub :x
Moving was a bit of a hassle. Work had promised that I could use the company's 20 foot delivery truck and then backed out at about 10pm the night before I needed it citing emergency deliveries to Tampa. Well... Fuck. So, to ease my dissapointment, I did the smartest thing ever!!!! I went out drinking (I swear, sometimes, I'm incapable of rational thought) So here I am, downtown at midnight... I have yet to pack much of anything and need to be up by 6am to start moving.... without a truck that is. WOOT! So... I pass out around 4am at a friend's apartment downtown, wake up at 6:00, drive 30 minutes to my parent's house, call UHaul, get a 27 foot truck reserved and prepare for a long day. My brother, John, and I went and got some coffee at the local cafe and then headed to UHaul to pick up our truck... trouble with that? Oh yeah, it's a diesel stick shift that's half falling apart. But we make it work, tote it back home, and begin packing by 9am. We don't finish until 6pm and we have to be at the complex to sign the lease and get keys no later than 7... but with the Diesel beast, we're approximately an hour away. So I sped off and ran diversion tactics on the Leasing Agent until John caught up with me in the truck. We had the truck unpacked by 9.
Fast forward 6 days and I've got most of my room unpacked and set up (of course the computer was the first thing to be assembled... seeing as I'm a nerd and all) and I'm really happy with it.
As for tonight, it is St. Patrick's day and damnit, I'm Irish but you will not see me with a fucking green beer in hand. However, Irish Car Bombs and Guiness shall rule the night.
Well folks, that's about it for now, tis time to grocery shop, buy a new webcam, and then let the festivities begin!
to all
Well, lets see how this goes.
First, moved into the new apartment. It's SOOOOOOO nice to have a place of my own again. I'm about 12 minutes away from work and 10 away from play, can't complain. The surrounding area is very nice and all but I think the thing i love the most is my huge garden style tub :x
Moving was a bit of a hassle. Work had promised that I could use the company's 20 foot delivery truck and then backed out at about 10pm the night before I needed it citing emergency deliveries to Tampa. Well... Fuck. So, to ease my dissapointment, I did the smartest thing ever!!!! I went out drinking (I swear, sometimes, I'm incapable of rational thought) So here I am, downtown at midnight... I have yet to pack much of anything and need to be up by 6am to start moving.... without a truck that is. WOOT! So... I pass out around 4am at a friend's apartment downtown, wake up at 6:00, drive 30 minutes to my parent's house, call UHaul, get a 27 foot truck reserved and prepare for a long day. My brother, John, and I went and got some coffee at the local cafe and then headed to UHaul to pick up our truck... trouble with that? Oh yeah, it's a diesel stick shift that's half falling apart. But we make it work, tote it back home, and begin packing by 9am. We don't finish until 6pm and we have to be at the complex to sign the lease and get keys no later than 7... but with the Diesel beast, we're approximately an hour away. So I sped off and ran diversion tactics on the Leasing Agent until John caught up with me in the truck. We had the truck unpacked by 9.
Fast forward 6 days and I've got most of my room unpacked and set up (of course the computer was the first thing to be assembled... seeing as I'm a nerd and all) and I'm really happy with it.
As for tonight, it is St. Patrick's day and damnit, I'm Irish but you will not see me with a fucking green beer in hand. However, Irish Car Bombs and Guiness shall rule the night.
Well folks, that's about it for now, tis time to grocery shop, buy a new webcam, and then let the festivities begin!

i really don't want to be zorg, or ruby rhod, lol.