So, an update on my life.
Well, lets see. At this very moment, Jeanne is wrapping on the neighborhood's door, promising around 4-6 hours of sustained 80-100 mph winds. The eye is supposed to pass directly overhead. I may lose power for a few days but I assure you, if I died, the world would come to an end, so if that doesn't happen, I'm still alive
(and yes, i'm entirely NOT serious)
My store is closed tomorrow for the hurricane but since my owner sees fit to bleed management dry after each hurricane, i lost my day off on Monday and only have tomorrow and then a 54 hour week to look forward to... but hey, at least I have work still and am getting paid
I'm really starting to enjoy the job. The manager who's leaving has allowed me to start getting things in the store the way I'd like them... the way they make sense to me and my personality and 19 charisma is starting to take over in my day to day duties, even down to letting our hourly workers know they can't work this next week (corporate orders). I was just glad none of them blamed it on me and tried to get into a pissing contest over it
The real meat of my life as it stands lies in rock circles, symmetry, stealth mode, and language lessons though. I haven't felt this way in a very long time and actually been in control of how much I did or didn't let go of myself in the process. More on this later though as it's still developing
One last thing and then I need to go, the storms are starting to pick up in frequency.... this is my final thanks to all those lives that touched mine back in North Carolina. Those of you who wish to remain in contact, you know how to find me, those of you who don't... i'm sorry to hear it, i wish I could've done more to patch up everything that happened, but what's done is done... I can't change the past. Here's to believing in everything happening for a reason and the reasons being the best for all of us invidually. Enjoy your lives and good luck... I'll miss all of you. And with that, I let go completely.
UPDATE: Power's back on, hurricane wasn't too horrid. Let the week of salary bleeding begin!
Well, lets see. At this very moment, Jeanne is wrapping on the neighborhood's door, promising around 4-6 hours of sustained 80-100 mph winds. The eye is supposed to pass directly overhead. I may lose power for a few days but I assure you, if I died, the world would come to an end, so if that doesn't happen, I'm still alive

My store is closed tomorrow for the hurricane but since my owner sees fit to bleed management dry after each hurricane, i lost my day off on Monday and only have tomorrow and then a 54 hour week to look forward to... but hey, at least I have work still and am getting paid

I'm really starting to enjoy the job. The manager who's leaving has allowed me to start getting things in the store the way I'd like them... the way they make sense to me and my personality and 19 charisma is starting to take over in my day to day duties, even down to letting our hourly workers know they can't work this next week (corporate orders). I was just glad none of them blamed it on me and tried to get into a pissing contest over it

The real meat of my life as it stands lies in rock circles, symmetry, stealth mode, and language lessons though. I haven't felt this way in a very long time and actually been in control of how much I did or didn't let go of myself in the process. More on this later though as it's still developing

One last thing and then I need to go, the storms are starting to pick up in frequency.... this is my final thanks to all those lives that touched mine back in North Carolina. Those of you who wish to remain in contact, you know how to find me, those of you who don't... i'm sorry to hear it, i wish I could've done more to patch up everything that happened, but what's done is done... I can't change the past. Here's to believing in everything happening for a reason and the reasons being the best for all of us invidually. Enjoy your lives and good luck... I'll miss all of you. And with that, I let go completely.
UPDATE: Power's back on, hurricane wasn't too horrid. Let the week of salary bleeding begin!
Thought of you today when I saw this:
