Recent news, lets see. The move has been upped a few days. From Sunday to Friday to be exact, all dependent on the hurricane really.
I picked up my trailer today and was all ready to pack it until i realized it wasn't hitched properly and had to manutally unhitch and move it with the help of the MacGuyveresque man of marvel, Elfhelm.
I've had the last two days off, and I'm still not done packing due in large part to procrastination. I'm ready to be there, not so ready for the actual process of moving. It will get done though, come hell or high water.
I'm starting to feel like I've done everything I can to tie up any loose ends I have here in North Carolina before I leave. I hope I didn't forget any. To everyone I've met and known in North Carolina, may your lives be blessed and may our paths cross again
I picked up my trailer today and was all ready to pack it until i realized it wasn't hitched properly and had to manutally unhitch and move it with the help of the MacGuyveresque man of marvel, Elfhelm.
I've had the last two days off, and I'm still not done packing due in large part to procrastination. I'm ready to be there, not so ready for the actual process of moving. It will get done though, come hell or high water.
I'm starting to feel like I've done everything I can to tie up any loose ends I have here in North Carolina before I leave. I hope I didn't forget any. To everyone I've met and known in North Carolina, may your lives be blessed and may our paths cross again

we are on the way
only 7 minutes from I95
maybe you could mapquest it