so, it was inevitable... and it's come to pass... Zelda and I have vowed to quit smoking. And as I say this... Zelda continuously jokes about maternity garments online and is getting the evil eye and all i really want is a morning cigarette omg, someone please give me one so i won't sell Zelda on
in all seriousness though... the quitting isn't going too badly... but this sunburn i have sucks (gg work).
If you could do ONE thing for the rest of your life without worry of sickness/death/etc... what would it be?
edit: just to clarify, Zelda is NOT pregnant, and I wouldn't sell her on Ebay if she was... she just likes to joke about being pregnant b/c we have an agreement on how much time will pass before we intentionally have children.

in all seriousness though... the quitting isn't going too badly... but this sunburn i have sucks (gg work).
If you could do ONE thing for the rest of your life without worry of sickness/death/etc... what would it be?
edit: just to clarify, Zelda is NOT pregnant, and I wouldn't sell her on Ebay if she was... she just likes to joke about being pregnant b/c we have an agreement on how much time will pass before we intentionally have children.
one thing? can i pick 2? sex or food. if i must have just one, sex.
good for you. I'm so weird about the smoking thing because I lost my dad because of second hand smoke. Type of thing to make a daddy's girl bitter. But I hate the smoke, not the smoker.