So I've still been busy, obviously. But I'd figure I'd let everyone know I'm still alive as well... partying a bit too much perhaps, but still alive
Work's been work, record breaking month, new office, blah blah blah. I've personally been trying to cut back on staying out till 6am and attracting psychos... anything that'll minimize my daily intake of drama.
I may be looking at my first vacation in years, which will be exceedingly nice. 2 months off, I'm just not sure where to go yet or when... decisions decisions.
I go in for my second and third tatoos this week, got a really good deal for hooking the artist up with his job and fiancee. He does some really quality work and I love his style so it should be sweet, I'll post pictures sometime in the future.
Lets see, anything else. Oh, my 'basic training' work out regiment has begun again... trying to get into decent shape again so I can continue rock climbing and start running in the mornings for a change (hopefully quit smoking too).
Not that you care, but if you do, there you have it.
P.S. yes, my name is actually ashley.

Work's been work, record breaking month, new office, blah blah blah. I've personally been trying to cut back on staying out till 6am and attracting psychos... anything that'll minimize my daily intake of drama.
I may be looking at my first vacation in years, which will be exceedingly nice. 2 months off, I'm just not sure where to go yet or when... decisions decisions.
I go in for my second and third tatoos this week, got a really good deal for hooking the artist up with his job and fiancee. He does some really quality work and I love his style so it should be sweet, I'll post pictures sometime in the future.
Lets see, anything else. Oh, my 'basic training' work out regiment has begun again... trying to get into decent shape again so I can continue rock climbing and start running in the mornings for a change (hopefully quit smoking too).
Not that you care, but if you do, there you have it.
P.S. yes, my name is actually ashley.
sad dey