(The story of Sarah's car wreck will be continuing later.)
Theres nothing I love more than a good mystery. In fact I think I am more entranced by mysteries that I know may never be solved hence my current fascination with Isabella V., or any number of conspiracy theories.
But now, for the next six months, I have The Matrix. With its multitude of loose...
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Theres nothing I love more than a good mystery. In fact I think I am more entranced by mysteries that I know may never be solved hence my current fascination with Isabella V., or any number of conspiracy theories.
But now, for the next six months, I have The Matrix. With its multitude of loose...
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i have to wait until i see the movie until i read this, sorry. hope you are swell.
how you doing??? i finally saw matrix reloaded and just thought it was okay, that's it!!! shoot me now...
I was preparing for another excursion onto the airwaves Im back with a regular slot, 3 AM to 6 AM, early Friday morning and I remember that I was debating, at 2 AM, inbetween skipping breakfast or indulging in some plain vanilla yogurt, which is a dish I crave for the slightly-powdery texture. And the phone rang.
It was Sarah. She was in a car...
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It was Sarah. She was in a car...
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Thanks for the stripper song deal.....I'll have to search for those!
/po/po/POSt laaater.
/po/po/POSt laaater.
lkjh423 feel
****************&() better
****************&() better
Occasionally I binge.
I am very careful about what I will binge on. Alcohol will simply not do. My taste for alcohol returns even stronger one week after a full day of drinking. The same with a meal. I will get hungry again. Thats the way a body should work.
But sugar? I deny myself sweets on a daily basis. I crave sweets. I see...
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I am very careful about what I will binge on. Alcohol will simply not do. My taste for alcohol returns even stronger one week after a full day of drinking. The same with a meal. I will get hungry again. Thats the way a body should work.
But sugar? I deny myself sweets on a daily basis. I crave sweets. I see...
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It should have been beautiful.
French peasant dishes are generally known for their forgiving nature. After all, these were the sorts of things that a matron should be able to whip up on a limited budget in a short amount of time, since they had to do chores like reap wheat in the fields and get painted by Millet.
But should they, while in the...
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French peasant dishes are generally known for their forgiving nature. After all, these were the sorts of things that a matron should be able to whip up on a limited budget in a short amount of time, since they had to do chores like reap wheat in the fields and get painted by Millet.
But should they, while in the...
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that was brilliant, the thing about cheney -- i'm clearly gonna have to fry that motherfucker up and grab the girl for myself!
Its late and getting later.
The furor over Isabella V. and her blog (A Flight Risk, http://www.aflightrisk.blogspot.com ) has been growing. And, with its inclusion into the daily listing of Wired News, it has officially blown open to the netsurfing public at large. The comments section of the blog are full of cynical trolls, Lit Club debaters, and the sort of weepy soul that you...
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The furor over Isabella V. and her blog (A Flight Risk, http://www.aflightrisk.blogspot.com ) has been growing. And, with its inclusion into the daily listing of Wired News, it has officially blown open to the netsurfing public at large. The comments section of the blog are full of cynical trolls, Lit Club debaters, and the sort of weepy soul that you...
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Ive been feeling oddly short of breath recently just another odd bit of bodily behavior thats happened since Fridays episode with hypotension but there was a severe flare-up of dyspnea just last night, as I arrived home drunk from the Balcony.
Greta was on. We talked. She mentioned the recent weather, which had missed Austin proper and this disappointed her. She loved hail. She loves...
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Greta was on. We talked. She mentioned the recent weather, which had missed Austin proper and this disappointed her. She loved hail. She loves...
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I don't know what you two look like, but that won't stop me from seeing, in my head, you and Greta holding hands and feeding duckies in Audubon Park. Assuming that park has duckies, of course.
Yeah, it followed basically the same path as the May 3rd, 99 tornado. Up through moore north east toward midwest city. Yeah, GM's on 240 in between Sunnylane & Sooner.
I will probably never see some of these people again.
Stuart calls me Wayne for reasons lost to the mists of time. Well, the mists of alcohol, really, but whos counting. Hes snide but just barely charming enough to get away with it. Sooner or later he will attempt to add a supercharger to his prized Miata and I hope to be around to hear...
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Stuart calls me Wayne for reasons lost to the mists of time. Well, the mists of alcohol, really, but whos counting. Hes snide but just barely charming enough to get away with it. Sooner or later he will attempt to add a supercharger to his prized Miata and I hope to be around to hear...
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Shim Sham is closing?
that SUCKS

Oh no, I most deffnly did not come out of that place unscathed. Im surprised I lived at all, when I finally put in my two weeks notice there I thought my boss was going to whip my ass. He was all red in the face and started stuttering and speaking gibberish. So ya, asswhipping or heartattack, I didnt stick around to find out.
Did you work at the Clever Girl? Or just go there alot? Tofu? Christ...someone zigged when they should have zagged to end up at the CG asking for tofu.
Did you work at the Clever Girl? Or just go there alot? Tofu? Christ...someone zigged when they should have zagged to end up at the CG asking for tofu.
The nurses eyes widened a bit in surprise. She leaned in, pressed the intercom, and called for a stretcher.
This was November 2001, Thanksgiving Day. A hospital on the suburban fringe of Jackson, Mississippi. I had a kidney infection, although I didnt know it at the time. All I knew was that my entire lower torso felt like it was full of killer bees. Ninja-clad...
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This was November 2001, Thanksgiving Day. A hospital on the suburban fringe of Jackson, Mississippi. I had a kidney infection, although I didnt know it at the time. All I knew was that my entire lower torso felt like it was full of killer bees. Ninja-clad...
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damn, and i thought taping my eyes shut in order to sleep was a pain...
Well, Im here to interview you.
That statement was a bit of a shock. The visit was a bit of a shock. Jeff is a good friend but he keeps to himself. So why did he suddenly show up at my door?
Youre not enthused about your job. Right?
I think : I dont love my job. But it wont kill me. Get to the...
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That statement was a bit of a shock. The visit was a bit of a shock. Jeff is a good friend but he keeps to himself. So why did he suddenly show up at my door?
Youre not enthused about your job. Right?
I think : I dont love my job. But it wont kill me. Get to the...
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