Happy Birthday beautiful smile

Congratulationes on being able to finally get wasted legally. biggrin I'd love to buy you a drink.

Take care and have a great day. kiss
Happy Birthday! smile
so, nothing really exciting to report, i just cant sleep on this very wet monday night, or tuesday morning i suppose. nah, not yet...hmm...whats new. i will be taking poi(fire-dancing) and dragonbreath classes. that should be interesting. quite fun, i think. i have an impending art show im still organizing, but the others in the show might be a little less enthusiastic. it will be...
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I want dragonbreath....... maybe just some more listerine will do me right... I've always been tempted to get old drawings when I was younger tattooed, but I've always refrained.... for some reason when your're younger, at least for my sake, my art was more innocent and simple...good luck!!
i hope ill be there when your show happens. cant wait to see that hot-ass tat!
an ode to the bittersweet;

words better left unsaid.

ill turn it over and over again in my head,

until my head spins.

its insectile gnashing;

biting, munching, tearing, crunching...


it leaves a tender bruise.

a purple flower curled flesh-tone yellow,

i can feel it, it feels swollen.

an engorged parasite, belly full, and drunk.

a klusterfuck of 'ifs' and also 'buts'

because, as...
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Last night I was at a bar on College ave with a twinkling martini glass above the door. I think the place is called the hut, but I rarely pay attention to important details. Anyway, my friend who is in medical school was telling stories from his anatomy class that would make even gunther von hagens stomach churn. Don't ask unless you really want to know. He was also reciting medical definitions of sexual acts which I believe anyone can enjoy. Foreplay Focused stimulation of variable duration and intensity to encourage a receptive psychological condition before congress can occur. sounds like poetry to me. Apparently his professor wrote the text book and is also a complete loon.
I want to meet you and do something like drink coffee outside.
Have you noticed how cold it is today? Yeah, its getting like that.
Intermezzo was the first place I was exposed to big ass salads. It changed my life in a way. I havent been back there in years.
so, i would like to think the dust has settled since my tumultuous visit to ohio. it really wasnt a bad thing, at all. i was in awe the whole time, but very confused. i miss shelly terribly. she did indeed show me a fantastic time. i met kyle and jimmy, and i absolutely love them. they were good fun, and i know jimmy takes...
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i'm glad you had a good time. i always have a good time with you. too bad you couldn't stay for Bauhaus...........

[Edited on Oct 31, 2005 8:57PM]
Silly, I really don't like associtating myself with music. It is something I love but really doesn't have anything to do with me. Anyway, it is nice to see that someone else is into the B-52's. I have a dream which invloves everyone I know, a room, dancing, 52's and The Ramones. That's how we shake the collective ass of humanity and crack smiles too.

this weekend was rather surreal. my grandpa was put in jail because he punched my out of control(18 y/o) stepbrother in the face while he was being arrested because he tried one last time to hit my dad before he would be put away for a very long time. he's out now, though(grandpa)
my friend amanda is gone. dead...i didnt really get to know her...
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Sorry about your friend. And your grandpa drama. But hey were friends now. So you got that going for you which is nice! And it appears we are from the same city.
Hi....fellow Oaklander! I just read your Everything Is Illuminated post. I'm gonna try to see the movie today, since reading your post, I was really worried the movie wouldn't be able to tell the story of the book, it's extremely complex. You should read the book. By Jonathon Safran Foer, and his new one "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" is also a tear jerker. You gotta read it, I think it's better than Everything Is Illuminated.

Anyway, good to know there's intelligent life here in Oakland....cheers
what the fuck is she even talking about?

ok...so, theres a part that bothers me in Labrynth. the part where sara is at the two doors, and there are dog-puppet-guard-thingies, and one of them always tells the truth, and the other one always lies. one door leads to the center of the labrynth, and the other one leads to...bumbum BUM...certain death...ooooh. so anyways, i digress...so...
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HI, my name is Justin
i just saw a movie, called "everything is illuminated" with elijah wood...and other people. it was incredibly good. ridiculously good... quite good. it started out very funny...mostly bad translation humour...and 'seeing eye bitch' humour, then towards the end, got very intense and heart-breakingly morose (i know, i definately spelled that wrong, but bear with me, people, i am quite shit-faced) it was one of the...
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you want candy cottons ? tongue kiss
so, i am very excited. i will visit ohio to see my dearest shelly, and that bodacious brat, jimmy. i hate ohio, but dammit, i miss her so. i will surprise my mom, too...who i havent talked to in months and months. ughh...im not looking forward to seeing the familiar faces, but i will be staying an hour away from there...
also, i need to...
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will you do laundry at my house? EL SUICIDO LOCO