Last night I and the rest of my local perv friends went to our Philly Playground party - our monthly opportunity to have some fetish fun. I had these red ruffle shorts on, with a black wifebeater and a studded belt, which put me in a special mood that caused me to run around silly, and wiggle my butt at anyone that looked at me...
The highlight of the evening was when Cyd was sitting in a chair talking with some friends, and I interrupted him by sliding myself on his lap and lifting my ass for a spanking - which is exactly what I got. But it got harder and harder, and he switched to a paddle and soon it was almost unbearable.... In walks Troubley to save the day, who sat down by my head and started making snorting noises with me - completely silly, completely random, but sooo funny! I was soon alternating between screaming and laughing, I never had such a mix of two extremes before:
SLAP! ow! SNORT! hahahahahaaa!! probably had to be there. Many people I know thought that Troubley and I were completely off our rockers, but HOT DAMN did we have fun....
The highlight of the evening was when Cyd was sitting in a chair talking with some friends, and I interrupted him by sliding myself on his lap and lifting my ass for a spanking - which is exactly what I got. But it got harder and harder, and he switched to a paddle and soon it was almost unbearable.... In walks Troubley to save the day, who sat down by my head and started making snorting noises with me - completely silly, completely random, but sooo funny! I was soon alternating between screaming and laughing, I never had such a mix of two extremes before:
SLAP! ow! SNORT! hahahahahaaa!! probably had to be there. Many people I know thought that Troubley and I were completely off our rockers, but HOT DAMN did we have fun....
Any more pics of that cage? I'm so jealous.
Hehehehhe... figures. I was trying to talk Mike into coming down for Playground, but instead we sang Karaoke at the firehouse with his mom. Heh heh... sorry I missed the Sillie Slapping Snortfest. Sounded fun! Hope all is well. See you guys for Shock.