I hate the holidays.
Come Christmas morning, I'm going to cry in my room for about 15 minutes, then pop .5mg xanax so that I don't cry the rest of the day, then proceed to head downstairs for drunken Golden Fox Fizzes with my parents (a tradition they started at least 5 years ago).
My parents are so cool - to them it's imperative that everyone get boozy first thing Chrismas morning (hence the Fizzes). Generally, that makes the day better for all of us - especially now that all the childhood excitement of Christmas has long faded.
Even though I'm dreading this Holiday, I want to take this time to thank all my friends here for helping me through a really rough year for me. Without the love and support I've received from you, I wouldnt be where I am today.
So to you who provided me with laughs, gave me couch space to sleep on these last few months, lent me their shoulder, their time, their wisdom.... to you who helped give me a wonderfully cathartic week in the desert when I needed it most, to those I've just met, and those I've known forever - thank you for being in my life.
I only hope that one day I can give the energy and kindness you've given to me, back to you in some form. Happy Holidays.
Come Christmas morning, I'm going to cry in my room for about 15 minutes, then pop .5mg xanax so that I don't cry the rest of the day, then proceed to head downstairs for drunken Golden Fox Fizzes with my parents (a tradition they started at least 5 years ago).
My parents are so cool - to them it's imperative that everyone get boozy first thing Chrismas morning (hence the Fizzes). Generally, that makes the day better for all of us - especially now that all the childhood excitement of Christmas has long faded.
Even though I'm dreading this Holiday, I want to take this time to thank all my friends here for helping me through a really rough year for me. Without the love and support I've received from you, I wouldnt be where I am today.
So to you who provided me with laughs, gave me couch space to sleep on these last few months, lent me their shoulder, their time, their wisdom.... to you who helped give me a wonderfully cathartic week in the desert when I needed it most, to those I've just met, and those I've known forever - thank you for being in my life.
I only hope that one day I can give the energy and kindness you've given to me, back to you in some form. Happy Holidays.
MERRY XMAS, Beautiful!!!!

Hi there. I'm sorry for not realizing you were having such a hard time. I would have liked to have helped. Anything I can do, now?