I just needed an updated page. Stuff really hasn't changed. Still putting in stupid amounts of overtime for quite robust sized paychecks (if it wasn't for stupid income tax brakcets taking off more once I get a certain amount grossed
). Still madly in love with Aoede. Still living in a shitty apartment for half-decent rent.
OOOH! OOOH! I'm now getting on top of paying off my debt...instead of only getting by on making the minimum payments! That's something, right? Right?
And my neighbours are sketchiER than i originally thought. A move to a better/different location is in the works for summer/spring.

OOOH! OOOH! I'm now getting on top of paying off my debt...instead of only getting by on making the minimum payments! That's something, right? Right?
And my neighbours are sketchiER than i originally thought. A move to a better/different location is in the works for summer/spring.
You shouldnt.
I definitely would if I didnt have a boyfriend.