moving back to norman, oklahoma... there are worse situations.
'cept i'm unemployed and a little bewildered by the whole "going (fumbling) back to school and buying books and begging for financial aid coz, hey! you're a broke ass bitch" thing.
besides, i've been perfectly content resting my lazy chops on the sofa and playing the gamecube. i don't WANT a job! no sir, i've been off for 11 days now and aside from the above mentioned lack of funds... it's fan-fucking-tastic. i just wanna go to college, not work while doing so, and pretend i'm 18 again and this thing is all fresh and new.
of course, i've been 25 for 4 days now... how come i don't FEEL any more responsible? wise? capable of having a clue?
on the up-swing, i did go get drunk on my birthday.
moving back to norman, oklahoma... there are worse situations.
'cept i'm unemployed and a little bewildered by the whole "going (fumbling) back to school and buying books and begging for financial aid coz, hey! you're a broke ass bitch" thing.
besides, i've been perfectly content resting my lazy chops on the sofa and playing the gamecube. i don't WANT a job! no sir, i've been off for 11 days now and aside from the above mentioned lack of funds... it's fan-fucking-tastic. i just wanna go to college, not work while doing so, and pretend i'm 18 again and this thing is all fresh and new.
of course, i've been 25 for 4 days now... how come i don't FEEL any more responsible? wise? capable of having a clue?
on the up-swing, i did go get drunk on my birthday.
welcome back to oklahoma... i'm sure you're just THRILLED... hehe...