I was not the same person I am today.
The basis of my appeal is as follows:
Since my year in college (97-98), I have established myself as a stable, responsible member of society. I have proven my reliability and maturity by maintaining my last two jobs for at least 3 years with high praise and recommendation by my employers. I will leave my current job in extremely good standing only to pursue my academic endeavors with Oklahoma City Community College. Today, unlike in 1997, I realize the importance of an education and the benefits that it provides.
At the time of my arrival to college in 97, I was not the same person as I am today. I did not have the level of maturity or mental stability that I now possess. More than 5 years have passed since the time I attended the University of Arkansas and I assure you that I will have no problem maintaining the academic standard required by OCCC and the federal government to receive financial aid. I take this extremely seriously because my personal financial situation does not currently provide enough funds to support myself while also fulfilling my goal of returning to college to complete my formal education.
I implore you to please review my attached high school transcript. I feel the grades I earned and the classes I attended ( and also my ACT score of 31) will erase any doubt of my academic ability and intelligence. Also attached is a copy of my AP test score in which I obtained a 4 in English to illustrate what I am capable of when I put my mind to it. I, however, did not put my mind to college in 97 because I was not ready, therefore I now have a college transcript which does not reflect my abilities or determination to be successful in college. Also attached is my paid promissory note to illustrate my seriousness in repaying federal loans.
In conclusion, I was not mentally prepared at age 18 for the rigors and responsibilities of leaving home for the first time and attending college. Now, 5 years later at age 25, I have seen how my lack of education has prevented me from finding employment where I can further advance myself and achieve all that I am capable. As a result, I will work to my full potential if I am granted financial aid in order to attend OCCC this spring semester. Thank you.
i wonder if this essay will get me into college
The basis of my appeal is as follows:
Since my year in college (97-98), I have established myself as a stable, responsible member of society. I have proven my reliability and maturity by maintaining my last two jobs for at least 3 years with high praise and recommendation by my employers. I will leave my current job in extremely good standing only to pursue my academic endeavors with Oklahoma City Community College. Today, unlike in 1997, I realize the importance of an education and the benefits that it provides.
At the time of my arrival to college in 97, I was not the same person as I am today. I did not have the level of maturity or mental stability that I now possess. More than 5 years have passed since the time I attended the University of Arkansas and I assure you that I will have no problem maintaining the academic standard required by OCCC and the federal government to receive financial aid. I take this extremely seriously because my personal financial situation does not currently provide enough funds to support myself while also fulfilling my goal of returning to college to complete my formal education.
I implore you to please review my attached high school transcript. I feel the grades I earned and the classes I attended ( and also my ACT score of 31) will erase any doubt of my academic ability and intelligence. Also attached is a copy of my AP test score in which I obtained a 4 in English to illustrate what I am capable of when I put my mind to it. I, however, did not put my mind to college in 97 because I was not ready, therefore I now have a college transcript which does not reflect my abilities or determination to be successful in college. Also attached is my paid promissory note to illustrate my seriousness in repaying federal loans.
In conclusion, I was not mentally prepared at age 18 for the rigors and responsibilities of leaving home for the first time and attending college. Now, 5 years later at age 25, I have seen how my lack of education has prevented me from finding employment where I can further advance myself and achieve all that I am capable. As a result, I will work to my full potential if I am granted financial aid in order to attend OCCC this spring semester. Thank you.
i wonder if this essay will get me into college
Most of us do better with maturity under our belts when it comes to education... Good luck chicky...