Just a couple more days
But more importantly, just a couple more weeks
But these are good things. Birthdays. mine and hers. i'm getting old, while she will merely be getting drunk.
I updated my favs after they got all wacky by Midori leaving. While everyone up there is great, let it also be known that I do pick based on symmetry of avatars. "Symmetry of avatars." pretty. symme try. try symme. try symme what? Try some ava tar.
I have to work 3rd shift tonight. I want to be napping right now. But noooooo, the realter sent over a guy to fix my shower and he's using loud power tools. He should have been here 2 days ago, when I woke up early in order to be of assistance. But no show. Now he's robbing me of sleep again. I hate whiners, so I better stop. Since I love myself. And while I like ambiguity, it might be a little much for today.
Catch ya on the flipside.
But more importantly, just a couple more weeks
But these are good things. Birthdays. mine and hers. i'm getting old, while she will merely be getting drunk.
I updated my favs after they got all wacky by Midori leaving. While everyone up there is great, let it also be known that I do pick based on symmetry of avatars. "Symmetry of avatars." pretty. symme try. try symme. try symme what? Try some ava tar.
I have to work 3rd shift tonight. I want to be napping right now. But noooooo, the realter sent over a guy to fix my shower and he's using loud power tools. He should have been here 2 days ago, when I woke up early in order to be of assistance. But no show. Now he's robbing me of sleep again. I hate whiners, so I better stop. Since I love myself. And while I like ambiguity, it might be a little much for today.
Catch ya on the flipside.