i sound like milk and she is just beautiful.
we do catch stars between our toes;
short,.. her and toes.
oh catch a romance in a net,
if only that simple.
butterfly wings so silent..
we mutter no more than a whisper
exchange in looks
hearts for pleasure
thoughts for moments.
are you in love bris???

If so a big YEAH for you if not it's just a nice poem

hope life is going well anyway?

as for pictures if there is a good one taken over xmas i will post it. Its the best i can do at the moment smile
i hope your in love!!! biggrin
Girl in the snow, where will you go
To find someone that will do?
To tell someone all the truth before it kills you
They listen to your crazy laugh
Before u hang a right
And disappear from sight
What do they know anyway?
You'll read it in a book
What do they know anyway
You'll read it in a book tonight

I feel like...
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Take it out on me...I'll be your love makin, shit takin, punching bag. I like this picture of you, Red...so....beautiful <3


Boy on the bike, what are you like
As you cycle round the town?
You're going up, you're going down
You're going nowhere
It's not as if they're paying you
It's not as if it's fun
At least not anymore
When your legs are black and blue
It's time to take a break
When your legs are black and blue
It's time to take a holiday

[Edited on Nov 30, 2004 8:57PM]
yea....the incredibles was pretty good (for a kid movie!) smile hope you feel better soon!!! take care!
and i find myself choking on all my contradictions.

tomorrow ill return to working, a possible temporary solution to controlling empty time. my boss is currently away for two weeks training so, i shall only suffer under the wrath of my supervisor for now.

i'm tired, warm eyed, jaw shakingly tired. exhausted hunched shoulders, the effort to place my glass to my mouth and swallow...
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I know choking.
And yes, I did read that message.
try to have a good day at work tomorrow!!! wink
and i find myself choking on all my contradictions.

tomorrow ill return to working, a possible temporary solution to controlling empty time. my boss is currently away for two weeks training so, i shall only suffer under the wrath of my supervisor for now.

i'm tired, warm eyed, jaw shakingly tired. exhausted hunched shoulders, the effort to place my glass to my mouth and swallow...
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"I'm not like you I jus fuck up"
I had bad dreams, bad bad dreams.. i woke from each one in a sweat and now my heart is racing.My head is itchy and I'm panicking.. I think I know why but I'm not sure.. I went to sleep this morning at 11am with thoughts of suicide running thru my head, i turned both of my...
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Hey you...I am home all day. I must have signed on right after you left. Please talk to me. Tell me what is wrong. If you want me to call you I will. I loves ya and don't like it when you are this upset. I need to know that you are okay...*worried and anxious* *Hugs*

Let me know...<3

something which runs thru my mind often is concepts. i puzzle my mind with the thoery of space and time. my belief is that our imagination is the only boundary stopping us from moving onto the next level. years ago when no one had thought of tvs or phones... it wouldve been unbelievable to think they might exist.
it is the possiblity that as soon...
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Oh Goddess, Bris. I'm sorry. Drink some tea...nothing in it. Just the tea. Put on some sweat pants...curl up in a chair. I wish I could be there for you. Rub your back, run fingers through hair....I would put you in the warm bath and soap your little toes. Hug you with a warm towel and put you in bed with candles lit...

It breaks my heart to hear that you are crying. And you know that I will always listen to you. Always... frown <3

I love you much...

I puzzle my mind too, space and time can't exist without the other, can they?
Can you imagine existing in a place with no space/time, just in the now, nowhere to go, no future or past to learn from.

People only listen when they want to, the more you ask the less they will want to, just the way it is.

Sorry to hear your not so happy today.

[Edited on Nov 28, 2004 9:00PM]
It's swiftly fading like your charm..

A few hours of such mood which drifts along the air, tailing every creature in its path. Such drunken tomfoolery which causes havock to those who know nothing better than follow the pack.. for whom fun does seem jus around the corner in every movement.

I could be in love, I am inlove, such a sweet one.. whose...
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i don't hate /everyone/, just the large majority of people, lol. but it's fine.
anyways, nice to meet you :p
Crimes of passion I do not find attractive as such, one step away from total insanity.
Interesting for thier ferocity/intensity, maybe.
Mmm, attraction = interest, then I suppose they are kind of attractive, in a macabre way. wink
Hope your still feeling happy today. biggrin
*slowly surely, i walk away from that old desperate and dazed love, caught up in the maze of love, that crazy craze of love, thought it was good, thought it was real, thought it was*

of course im an only child, im bitter concieted, heartfelt and stupid. im dumb to think the world could ever stop and turn its tracks to land upon my door...
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Hope you got the job fingers are crossed c frgfvtbfyhvvfgfcgfffddgftvvcr r

Ok had to un cross the fingers its a bit hard to typewith them crossed smile

but wishing you luck.

and how come every time i log on you seem to have changed you pic starting to think your a photo nut.

you couldn't take some picture for me need to change those elephants.

any way enjoy your vodka and have one for me smile
Aw...love comes and goes....It's worth every minute, though....don't wish it gone too fast...Even the pain is better than nothing....let's you know you're alive.....

btw: Thanks for the test. Missed you today. Chat tomorrow? Tata love....My eyes are blue... bok <3

oh dear *scratches head in disbelief*

four hours of jolted sleep and i am online at some stupid hour of the day; oh wait ive jus heard the paper come thru the front door. as if my eyes could focus on that. i have suc a splitting headache its unbearable. -contemplates for a moment having a cigarette or joint

oh dear with an interview...
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I wish you were around here...soft face...sweet eyes.....ah.....you are way to far from me... whatever <3

Mmm.. just had a nap,
needed it, because I want to go out for a drink later on. biggrin
Hope the interview went as well as it seemed and have a really good sleep too. smile
Late to sleep, late to rise, lying here watching the day go by.

your eye make up.. how little it is.. your hair.. such a mohawk pictures never capture.. clothes suitably loose but close enough to feel femininity. hard to believe ones self is beautiful no matter how many times one is told. until it kicks in.. the realisation that this, face, eyes, note, mouth,...
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Aw, yea I know what you mean. I have a couple of friend that are very anti-straight. confused I just don't get it. If being hated on hurts you, don't you think it hurts others too? *sigh*

And as far as your friend, is it possible for you to talk with them candidly about how you feel?" Don't turn it on them, just say that you love them lots, and worry about them. Most people will understand things coming from that direction better then if you just tell them they are with an asshat.

Love you *Hugs her with one of those long, warm hugs that lasts minutes* <3

thanks for the comment. i am happier now. kiss