Last entry for a while.
I went out last night. I cried when I met Loran, Si hugged me whilst I pulled myself together. I got wasted. It was half a bottle of vodka. I don't remember all of the night. *frowning.
I don't got anything to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay in bed all day. I think alwaysbeingblue and kristoph should...
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I went out last night. I cried when I met Loran, Si hugged me whilst I pulled myself together. I got wasted. It was half a bottle of vodka. I don't remember all of the night. *frowning.
I don't got anything to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay in bed all day. I think alwaysbeingblue and kristoph should...
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Last entry for a while.
I went out last night. I cried when I met Loran, Si hugged me whilst I pulled myself together. I got wasted. It was half a bottle of vodka. I don't remember all of the night. *frowning.
I don't got anything to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay in bed all day. I think alwaysbeingblue and kristoph should...
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I went out last night. I cried when I met Loran, Si hugged me whilst I pulled myself together. I got wasted. It was half a bottle of vodka. I don't remember all of the night. *frowning.
I don't got anything to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay in bed all day. I think alwaysbeingblue and kristoph should...
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Hey, I found a double entry journal page!
I wonder if any one will ever see this?
I'm not working tomorrow either, but unfortunately I have got some stuff to do, never mind eh.
Spose I'll catch up with you when you return, look after yourself.
[Edited on Jan 17, 2005 8:18PM]
I wonder if any one will ever see this?
I'm not working tomorrow either, but unfortunately I have got some stuff to do, never mind eh.
Spose I'll catch up with you when you return, look after yourself.
[Edited on Jan 17, 2005 8:18PM]
concave motions spin my heart out of control
driving to some foreign scene,
written by a derranged director.
i want to talk to you.. but i can only seem to consider lyrics. my words are alien like. indirectly fused into some language i was never taught. i need to apologise. im not sure what for. it all seems too sad to mention. i cant .....
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driving to some foreign scene,
written by a derranged director.
i want to talk to you.. but i can only seem to consider lyrics. my words are alien like. indirectly fused into some language i was never taught. i need to apologise. im not sure what for. it all seems too sad to mention. i cant .....
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I love you, my Bobbin. Talk to you soon. ♥
If you've got to go, you've got to go.
Come back when you're ready,
I'm sure we'll all still be here.
Come back when you're ready,
I'm sure we'll all still be here.
i'd like to add a 6th member to my favourites list. she was my first. but i cannot bare to take any of these ladies from here... i do love charlie still.
work was long today. the numbing conversation with people which proves to have no real point - my mind refuses to appreciate the need for social behaviour when neither parties really mean their...
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work was long today. the numbing conversation with people which proves to have no real point - my mind refuses to appreciate the need for social behaviour when neither parties really mean their...
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fuckin eh right! I'll take brutal honesty over little white lies any day of the week.
Honesty is the best policy.
Being honest without upsetting people, now that can be hard sometimes. But I think people will respect you more for being honest rather than not.
Being honest without upsetting people, now that can be hard sometimes. But I think people will respect you more for being honest rather than not.
please don't profess your love. those words don't belong here. just remember - they are words, over billions of words are spoken each day; the meaning is diminished more each second. it is just body talk. the language said and expelled by this mouth, these fingers, my skin.. has no justification to exist in the "world".
and you: do cover me in dirt. let my...
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and you: do cover me in dirt. let my...
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You're a big mesh of emotional confusion hey. I hope your stomach no longer hurts. Or your head. Or your heart. 'If we fall we get up. Stuck in a dream we wake up. If we found love we'd hold on to it.' Lyrics of my favourite song at the moment x
Hello my lover. Shall I try to call this morning? I will try. If you don't answer, I will understand. I want you around, close. Never leaving. No more, "Talk later xx."
I feel like my heart might crack and ooze a little. You are so sad. No, not quite sad, but accepting. You have buried your sadness too deep to be seen. But little do you know that when you bury it like that, hide it way starts to come through your pores. The way you walk. The cynical way you tilt your voice.
The way you love with abandon, but beat yourself for it.
I will always be here for you. I will not come and go. I love you with frightening intensity. And I can't turn away.
You have buried yourself in me...
You seep through my pores...♥
I feel like my heart might crack and ooze a little. You are so sad. No, not quite sad, but accepting. You have buried your sadness too deep to be seen. But little do you know that when you bury it like that, hide it way starts to come through your pores. The way you walk. The cynical way you tilt your voice.
The way you love with abandon, but beat yourself for it.
I will always be here for you. I will not come and go. I love you with frightening intensity. And I can't turn away.
You have buried yourself in me...
You seep through my pores...♥
It was projectary landing presumed by the flight path. It landed predominently in the hearts way. Leading to subtle unconsciousness. The darts journey was aimed with unknowing accuracy, it caused failure to function-not disimilar to a broken heart. I.E. A broken heart without the mess. She signed with another invisible tear. The cause of said failure stood dignified like "John Wayne".. her feet apart and...
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I'm moving to London in May, and am always looking for people that live there.
sorry to hear about your break up
It was the most possible outcome, for me to be left behind from the tide. Just as it timidly crept and left against the shallow wall. i watched sat on a train, fixated with another small wall a little out to sea. made of pebble stones. i wanted to sit there, till my fingers and mouth were blue and numb... to prove i was alive....
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I lie about my age a lot
Come to see a band at the Louisianna tomorrow night. 8pm x
a mixed up child. swirled with flavourings of each side of the spoon. years go by, i'm stripped of my beauty and you age flawlessly. years seperate us like the miles. on another road to nowhere, there appears a turning i ache to walk.
im making colour groups with painkillers of pink, just like i use to do with skittles. each colour with their own...
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im making colour groups with painkillers of pink, just like i use to do with skittles. each colour with their own...
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nice to meet you as well
I'm going to get stoned. Everyone has x
are u leaving the situation like a man or like a child? do you feel your fingers press on keys in an order best known to them.. and wait for their words to appear on the screen? or are u in control of the automatic happenings which have been imprinted into the brain so often, they flow like consistancy. everything flows like water, this eveing,...
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I am a wealth of useless knowledge. I know the entire um-bongo song too. To stick with the theme - how's the new job going? I need to get a job soon. I'm a lame-ass sitting in my bedroom and reading comic books today.
Gratitude for the appreciation x
Gratitude for the appreciation x
ani is so cool. I just love her and I dont meet that many in the uk that like her. I got into her through a friend who didnt really like music that much we were in a shop in San Fran and he bouhght a book on her. Later in a cafe I was reading lyrics from it out loud and he knew like every one! Never judge a book by its cover.
pondering life as a spoilt brat..
(current thoughts)
i can taste the sandwich i jus ate.. was nice..
im leaving work tomorrow, will be strange, i almost feel ike ive already scared the new place they wont like me.. on the plus side.. the old people all complimented me on my hair.. apart from joel, but joel is dense and probably didnt even notice...
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(current thoughts)
i can taste the sandwich i jus ate.. was nice..
im leaving work tomorrow, will be strange, i almost feel ike ive already scared the new place they wont like me.. on the plus side.. the old people all complimented me on my hair.. apart from joel, but joel is dense and probably didnt even notice...
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That's cool. It's ace when you meet people that just get you. I've been in love with two people at once, both for totally different reasons. Wish I was in love right now. I was in love, but now it has turned into bitter emptiness because my love is a horrible person. Oh joy x
Work today was a bit of slog, but it's done now.
I hope they haven't worked you too hard on your last day.
I hope they haven't worked you too hard on your last day.
enjoy your day of rest my dear
H x