today was a day off. i would like to say that it went really well, and i guess it did, but i really could have stood seeing someone. anyway, woke up and found that i had gotten Lady in a Cage and Scanners in the mail, watched Cage that morning and Scanners a bit later. it was really nice out. i walked down to La James to get my haircut, but the wait was too long. i came home and cut it myself. a bit shorter than i wanted, but hey, it grows.
later Jen and i had some burgers.
DEVO - don't you know
i wanted to get some kind of IC get together going, but it seemed no one could make it. i drank a six pack of PBR, watching videos, reading the paper outside, playing records loud.
i have been working on this letter and mix cd for an xgirlfriend. actually, my first real girlfriend, from back in high school. she is in New York now, and we are getting back in touch. it is nice. those people you always have a connection of some sort with. i made her this mix cd that i think is really great. i am proud of it.
i am downloading music i haven't heard in a long time. like i want to contemporize a bit. all the music i listen to is old, all the bands are broken up, i just can't seem to get into much new music. well, you can glance over at my favorites and think of anything i'd like, go ahead and suggest, i am always into finding new music.
i think Jen will be home in the next hour. hmmm. no idea what we will do. i think i will take a shot, fuck it, i am drunk and Boys Don't Cry is playing. hahaha.
bought Hellraiser 1+2 last night. a great DVD set with tons of kick ass extras. anyone wanna watch horror movies? i've been meaning to be more social and i really did not do that today. i left the house to go to HyVee and the video store.
i smoked a good amount this afternoon, but don't really see the point in getting much higher. today, i should have worked on my paper, but oh well, i have until Thursday. bugs on my computer screen. bug guts on the computer screen. moving soon. 10-6 tomorrow.
Modest Mouse - wild packs of family dogs
Television - torn curtain
The Stooges - shake appeal
i bought a cheap, though great, bag of the stuff the other day, so hopefully i can keep my accounts in order and get back to making money as opposed to living paycheck to paycheck. also, i made a steamroller, so i am rolling in the steam. so to speak.
i don't own a pair of black converse, but i do own the two new Bright Eyes albums on vinyl. other modern bands i like. i really, really like Murder By Death, got to see them many times before they got bigger, and as Little Joe Gould, they are awesome. i also like Blood Brothers, a lot, too much.
so i was unsocial today. didn't really chat it up with anyone or do much....with any persons. though, i had a good time.
Brian Wilson - child is father of the man
Guided By Voices - bright paper werewolves
hmmm...seems there is a new Alkaline Trio album in the works. that will be a good thing.
rock on.
later Jen and i had some burgers.
DEVO - don't you know
i wanted to get some kind of IC get together going, but it seemed no one could make it. i drank a six pack of PBR, watching videos, reading the paper outside, playing records loud.
i have been working on this letter and mix cd for an xgirlfriend. actually, my first real girlfriend, from back in high school. she is in New York now, and we are getting back in touch. it is nice. those people you always have a connection of some sort with. i made her this mix cd that i think is really great. i am proud of it.
i am downloading music i haven't heard in a long time. like i want to contemporize a bit. all the music i listen to is old, all the bands are broken up, i just can't seem to get into much new music. well, you can glance over at my favorites and think of anything i'd like, go ahead and suggest, i am always into finding new music.
i think Jen will be home in the next hour. hmmm. no idea what we will do. i think i will take a shot, fuck it, i am drunk and Boys Don't Cry is playing. hahaha.
bought Hellraiser 1+2 last night. a great DVD set with tons of kick ass extras. anyone wanna watch horror movies? i've been meaning to be more social and i really did not do that today. i left the house to go to HyVee and the video store.
i smoked a good amount this afternoon, but don't really see the point in getting much higher. today, i should have worked on my paper, but oh well, i have until Thursday. bugs on my computer screen. bug guts on the computer screen. moving soon. 10-6 tomorrow.
Modest Mouse - wild packs of family dogs
Television - torn curtain
The Stooges - shake appeal
i bought a cheap, though great, bag of the stuff the other day, so hopefully i can keep my accounts in order and get back to making money as opposed to living paycheck to paycheck. also, i made a steamroller, so i am rolling in the steam. so to speak.
i don't own a pair of black converse, but i do own the two new Bright Eyes albums on vinyl. other modern bands i like. i really, really like Murder By Death, got to see them many times before they got bigger, and as Little Joe Gould, they are awesome. i also like Blood Brothers, a lot, too much.
so i was unsocial today. didn't really chat it up with anyone or do much....with any persons. though, i had a good time.

Brian Wilson - child is father of the man
Guided By Voices - bright paper werewolves
hmmm...seems there is a new Alkaline Trio album in the works. that will be a good thing.
rock on.
Heye. Hehe, well it looks like my question has been briskly swept under the carpet and they have moved on like nothing happened at the Horror group! Yeah, it's a great film, pretty depraved but hey, good all the same! Hah, well I make a point of trying not to get too drunk if i'm listening to old music these days it can get a bit teary.

The new Alkaline Trio is called Crimson, and it drops in stores on the 24th. It's already on the 'net, though, and it sounds great. They're also going back out on tour, and have some dates up. I'm already planning on going to the one in Chicago on the 18th.