alright. Monday. spring break. the whole day off. i am up, Jen is off to work, and i am at the computer. it is cold out. last night we went to bed pretty early and we got up around 8am today. today's word of the day is "dogma".
the smiths - asleep
i haven't heard from my friend Richard in a while. i hope he is doing fine. i am pretty bad at keeping in touch with people, i know i should have maybe written them when they moved away, but i just can't seem to think of what to say. oh well, i write Richard and he responds pretty regularly, i guess i will just assume it will be a longer letter. we got netflix last night, Magnum Force and Curb Your Enthusiasm. today i think we will get Desperate Living. i feel bad for Jen as she is work a 12-8 and i don't have to work at all. she should be back at 400 for lunch so maybe i will try to make her something to eat. things have been a bit rocky or static for some reason. i don't know why. well, i think just general tensions, but we are also being more honest and i think i am reawakening from my "slumbering" emotions. that is a nice way to say i am not being cold and distant around Jen any more, or around anyone i guess.
well i do have some big plans for this summer. going to a little something called Horro'Rama "Flash Backweekend"!! Bruce Campbell is going to be there, with at least one of the Evil Dead movies being shown in a "drive-in" like setting. also, there is going to be a "The Fog" (the John Carpenter one) reunion with most of the actors from that (and many other JC movies). i am very excited and that is just what they have announced thus far. i am sure the hotel will fill up quickly.
the smiths - asleep
i haven't heard from my friend Richard in a while. i hope he is doing fine. i am pretty bad at keeping in touch with people, i know i should have maybe written them when they moved away, but i just can't seem to think of what to say. oh well, i write Richard and he responds pretty regularly, i guess i will just assume it will be a longer letter. we got netflix last night, Magnum Force and Curb Your Enthusiasm. today i think we will get Desperate Living. i feel bad for Jen as she is work a 12-8 and i don't have to work at all. she should be back at 400 for lunch so maybe i will try to make her something to eat. things have been a bit rocky or static for some reason. i don't know why. well, i think just general tensions, but we are also being more honest and i think i am reawakening from my "slumbering" emotions. that is a nice way to say i am not being cold and distant around Jen any more, or around anyone i guess.
well i do have some big plans for this summer. going to a little something called Horro'Rama "Flash Backweekend"!! Bruce Campbell is going to be there, with at least one of the Evil Dead movies being shown in a "drive-in" like setting. also, there is going to be a "The Fog" (the John Carpenter one) reunion with most of the actors from that (and many other JC movies). i am very excited and that is just what they have announced thus far. i am sure the hotel will fill up quickly.