hello. i am writing this paper...it is going okay.<br>
the introduction is far below so you can see what type of stuff i get to learn and write about....actually not that bad of a class, just procrastinating.....
today has been a pretty good day. i went to class, than to joe's place for a few beers, a bit of studying, and a taco. later i met Jen at the laundry mat and the rest is self explanatory. other than that. i was thinking about trying to find a Nememsis Enforcer action figure (from GI JOE the movie--the one with the wings). but they are too expensive and i really should not spend money on stuff like that. speaking of money i should not be spending, i bought a record today. Fugazi's The Arguement, which i do have on CD, but just really liked and wanted on vinyl. other than that i got T Rex : a beard of stars, for jen and i think she will like that. i had some chicken and am now having a pabst and listening to some Elvis Costello (busy bodies). awesome. recently watched The Fly and i do love that movie. not so sure i like Napoleon Dynamite which everyone else seems to really enjoy. hm. i like Rushmore, ND is just a bit too....over the top? hm. well i don't want to get some rabid fan bothering me about taste and all that so i will quit while ahead. other than that i got Pulp "this is hardcore" in the mail today and a first edition of The Replacements "let it be". many say that is their best album, but i stand with "tim" as being their most accomplished. well, here is that intro i konw you are waiting for.
though i really doubt anyone reads this.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person, give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. Oscar Wilde.
The challenge in defining camp is not so much in labeling a genre or classify certain objects, works, or institutions, but in the inability to categorize a subculture and a community. There are aspects that we can clearly identify as camp or having qualities inherent to the style, but these are all personal observations and biases. It seems that a film, book, or other form of art would have difficulty fulfilling only one genre (subgenre) for classification. For example Myra Breckinridge could as much be a sex change story as it could be a telling of the mechanics of old Hollywood, or perhaps a glimpse into the seedy background oh the less glamorous elements of the entertainment industry. However, I would say that Myra Breckinridge presents a far more coherent and consistent vision of camp than the film Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?. The film ..Baby Jane? follows a much stricter path of a Hitchcock styled thriller, such as Psycho, or perhaps Francis Ford Coppolas Dementia 13; rather than a camp or drag story. In this paper I will present many aspects of both Myra Breckinridge and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? in either the confirmation or denouncement of their credibility in the genre of camp and drag.
it is due tomorrow. wish me luck!
the introduction is far below so you can see what type of stuff i get to learn and write about....actually not that bad of a class, just procrastinating.....
today has been a pretty good day. i went to class, than to joe's place for a few beers, a bit of studying, and a taco. later i met Jen at the laundry mat and the rest is self explanatory. other than that. i was thinking about trying to find a Nememsis Enforcer action figure (from GI JOE the movie--the one with the wings). but they are too expensive and i really should not spend money on stuff like that. speaking of money i should not be spending, i bought a record today. Fugazi's The Arguement, which i do have on CD, but just really liked and wanted on vinyl. other than that i got T Rex : a beard of stars, for jen and i think she will like that. i had some chicken and am now having a pabst and listening to some Elvis Costello (busy bodies). awesome. recently watched The Fly and i do love that movie. not so sure i like Napoleon Dynamite which everyone else seems to really enjoy. hm. i like Rushmore, ND is just a bit too....over the top? hm. well i don't want to get some rabid fan bothering me about taste and all that so i will quit while ahead. other than that i got Pulp "this is hardcore" in the mail today and a first edition of The Replacements "let it be". many say that is their best album, but i stand with "tim" as being their most accomplished. well, here is that intro i konw you are waiting for.
though i really doubt anyone reads this.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person, give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. Oscar Wilde.
The challenge in defining camp is not so much in labeling a genre or classify certain objects, works, or institutions, but in the inability to categorize a subculture and a community. There are aspects that we can clearly identify as camp or having qualities inherent to the style, but these are all personal observations and biases. It seems that a film, book, or other form of art would have difficulty fulfilling only one genre (subgenre) for classification. For example Myra Breckinridge could as much be a sex change story as it could be a telling of the mechanics of old Hollywood, or perhaps a glimpse into the seedy background oh the less glamorous elements of the entertainment industry. However, I would say that Myra Breckinridge presents a far more coherent and consistent vision of camp than the film Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?. The film ..Baby Jane? follows a much stricter path of a Hitchcock styled thriller, such as Psycho, or perhaps Francis Ford Coppolas Dementia 13; rather than a camp or drag story. In this paper I will present many aspects of both Myra Breckinridge and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? in either the confirmation or denouncement of their credibility in the genre of camp and drag.
it is due tomorrow. wish me luck!