"The metric system's the tool of the devil! My target's forty rods to the hog's head, and that's the way I likes it!" (Grandpa Simpson).
Did you know there is actually a book about philosophy and the Simpsons? I can't recall the name of it off-hand, but it explores all the "deep" questions of philosophy by their appearances in Simpsons' episodes. Good stuff.
Did you know there is actually a book about philosophy and the Simpsons? I can't recall the name of it off-hand, but it explores all the "deep" questions of philosophy by their appearances in Simpsons' episodes. Good stuff.
by & by, while i have always been big into comics ... it's funny b/c i totally agree that in some ways the 'comic book' medium maybe is meant to be translated to film always. something just doesn't quite *work* (look at the costumes - what are superhero costumes made out of? cloth looks silly - but something about latex isn't quite right ... they just ARE ... they only make "sense" really in the 2D medium - tho "spiderman" could be the exception: the one movie that made it work..but whatever!). anyway ... some comics seem so perfectly realized in their 'paper' form .. i cringe a bit when i think about them becoming movies ... it's a bit like having you favorite novel made into a flick. there's something cool about seeing it "come to life" - but it always seems to fall short, so the experience is a bit of a let down too.
interesting point about graphic novel vs. comic book. i guess the disagreement was a bit of a semantic one? i tend to think of a grapic novel as any collection of 'comic book like material' (picture panels w/words). so, most of the graphic novels *i* pick up were originally published as monthly comic books - and then were collected into a 'graphic novel format.' ... but yea, i see the difference you're getting at: some "original" material published as graphic novels has a different tone that might make it better suited for film.
hope all is well in your neck of the woods.