it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Actually, that's exactly the look i was going to try and capture during the next couple weeks. She got ahead of me.

My fall break is now under effect. I am out of school until the 2nd. WEE!
-play me a whole lot of WoW, and try and get Miethuk to 60...
-draw pretty pictures
-maybe clean my room
-take lots of sets, behind the camera and in front of it.
-Hit up Morgan's thing wednesday if i can figure out how to get there
-go the portfolio show and watch DesignFetish and Hafu graduate
-fuck the HELL out of my man
-hit up BOUND.
I know you guys are coming to BOUND this friday. ::wicked eye::
I sleep-depped the night before last to finish my work, and couldn't sleep until midnight or so last night. When i could finally sleep, i slept awful. I feel disgusting and stiff and just echkt. i hope i can stop feeling blecht. I'm fucking on break god damnit rar!
And if one more person asks me how long i'm going to stick around the site, i'm going to do horrible things to them. Let me make this clear: i love this place, and i'm not leaving any time soon.
cut and paste from Goat's journal:
"I have an idea of what stupid shit is going on, i will have no part of it.
"I will live in my blissful view of SG for as long as possible, becuase as it stands right now for me, this is a great site with great poeple. What happened between those girls and Sean is between THEM, and if members want to try and prove some kind of point by leaving or bitching, or whatever, then whatever. Everyone whining about them leaving is really cramping my style."

there is a small window within the next couple days where i will be putting hot member chicks in my posse. Make your profile pic hot so i can fool poeple into thinking your an SG. XD Unless that i think you are so rockawesome that i make an icon for you.

and blah blah blah
and I stil wish i could spend a couple days of
the year just hanging out with you. All of this
could and probably is a huge dream of course,
but not the good feeling.
That much, whenever I think of you, is always
lovely. Tell me about your new course sometime. Drago