Oh look! It's actually a picture of me!

I'm back from Pennsic XXXIV.
For those wondering, Pennsic is a 2 week event held by the SCA every year in Slippery Rock, PA. The SCA stands for The Society for Creative Anachronism, and is a medieval reenactment organization. Pennsic is a war, complete with fighters, spectators, shopping, parties, classes, etc. I dunno what else i can say without writing for days.
Check out the official sites at Pennsicwar.org and Pennsic.net.

Slept most the trip back, so i my neck and up are all fuck up. My hips and rips are still sore and stiff from the belly dance classes this year, but i learned some new moves and exersizes to add to my arsenal.
Did a teeny bit of partying, took a couple of classes. My medieval experience was hindered by my mother: we ate tacos and hotdogs and hamburgers on plastic with forks instead of metal chargers and tooks or threeks. I'm lucky i brought my mug. No medieval chairs this year too. I'm fucking bringing my big wooden chair next year.

Midnite Madness was lucritive this year: I'll be starting some really nice projects garb-wise soon.
I was propositioned quite a bit at those parties. I'm both flattered and a bit weirded out. The Men Without Pants party was the first party i've been able to bellydance around the bonfire with the rest of the dancers to the sound of dumbeks. The drum beats were not very dancer friendly though. I talked with a prominent drummer, so hopefully that will change next year.

Caught glimpses of Squeak, which was cool. I never got around to visiting Jon Carver in N18 though. I had no idea what camp you was with. Sorry.
Next year, i want to have an SG meet at Pennsic. One of us will stick an ad in the Pennsic Independent, and we'll get together, and party hard.

I would be delighted to host you. . .although after dec I'm transferring to I don't know where so yeah. . .I LOVE YOU!