it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Man, talk about a present to unwrap. Ruff! Vivid certainly made my christmas merry.

Sorry, no dierdre's desk this time. I have no video camera right now.
Chapter One: Christmas
So much christmas. i'm currently up in the Philly/KOP area for christmas and new years with the boy's family. Yesterday we got back from extended christmas up in Detroit. His family is a noisy, antsy bunch, so getting away was impossible... Sorry to the girls i was trying to visit while up there.
His parents must love me: Christmas was crazy lucritive from his family. Lots of DS games. I have to say, the DS is a wonderful invention. I've been playing alot of FF3 during those loooong car trips.
Anyone that bought me stuff offa amazon, or mailed me christmas cards, i won't get them until i go home.
Chapter Two: OMGMYSET!
Dood, my set FINALLY went up! I'm so glad that my set went up, and i know girls like Siren and Zarina have been waiting as long as i have. Woo! I sent in the Window Glare set a week after i went live. That should tell you something.
Hopefully my next set will be quick to be shot down or put up.
I am NOT a fan of the "I Loved It!" tab. So now, instead of 300 comments that poeple actually wrote themselves to me, i have 400 "I loved it!"s and like, a total of 20 actual comments. Well, i guess it makes for less poeple for me to get back to and thank. Becuase i am not thanking poeple who clicked that damn "i loved it" button.
That and if you didn't like the set, use the other half of that "I loved it!" thing and tell SG why you hated it. Don't post it on my board. I waited too long for it to go up for it to be spit on by premadonna members.

I still love the site, and i still love you guys, but man. I hate that feature.
I'll get back to everyone who left me a kind word and a friend request. Thanks so much for the support.
Chapter Three: Art
I did a handful of SG Fanart for christmas.
yeah ill try asking my boss again tomarrow but i dunno when i email fractal ill ask her if she'll give it to you!
thank you ^_^ they are available in red aswell. leme know if your interested
love your pictures and wow that picture of vivid is stunning xox