it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

I have come to the conclusion that all of the Nederlanderin SGs are fucking rock Awesome. You need to go say hi to Franpire and all the other SGs from the Netherlands!

Dierdre's Desk #7.
There, that was the video that i didn't get the chance to upload last week.
The burlesque show had it's ups and downs. I was annoyed at the fact that despite the confirmation email i recieved earlier in the month, i still was not on the guest list, and had to buy another ticket. However, the performance was much better, and the view was great while still being comfortable. I was really nice to see some of the members again, and to meet some for the first time.
I partook in the Fanart Art Jam featuring Pistolita. This was my take on her.

And i did a portrait of the lovely Camilla.

I'll probably do a much better one later. She's so freaking gorgeous.
It's a damn shame that Kira left SG, but i wish her the best in all the changes she's making in her life. ^ _ ^ I'm so happy for her.

yah...its a pain in the ass though. i would like to know how people can do it all the time. i mean, i cant see the back of my head and trying to do shit in the mirror SUX!
nah we never sent it in. there wasnt enough really good shots for a set. i love it though