it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

I've never seen a more beautiful pregnant lady.

Dierdre's Desk #4.
If you missed the last one, just click to the previous journal post.
Please. Tell me. If you were watching the ideal porn/hentai/doujinshi, what would be your favorite scene?

And aww about a Twister set going up. I wonder if that means that there is no way that they would accept another one? I think you and Ernie could do better. Not that Odette and Campbell aren't stunning.
That Twwly set is amazing. She is so stunningly gorgeous. She has some of the most amazing eyes I have ever seen. And her tattoos look so interesting over the preggers belly. I am so happy that they accepted it.