it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Something about the lovely Opaque reminds me of Voltaire, but she definatley has her own look. And i find it stunning. I'm really glad she's on the site.

Made some tweaks to the design of my journal.
So i've been duped into running a table top Resident Evil game based on the D20 Modern system. Should i make the inventory system carry over? The French fanmade character sheets have regular extended D20 equipment lists instead.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I've got some seriously hard partying ahead of me:
Thursday: I might throw a little shinding for some kids that are graduating. (originally my grad party, but no reason to wish 'em off a nice goodbye.)
Saturday: Game Night SG party at St. Insom's Secret Hideout.
Sunday: Party crazy hard with the beautiful and luscious Kat and Deb.
I spent all night last night, and all day today playing DiabloII again. It seems like i keep going back every few months. This time, i'm concentrating on a Sword and Board Lightening Sorceress, which i've never done. Nothing can stop me. Man. 2 days, and i'm already at Act 4.
Any other Diablo Fans out there? Wanna play a touch?
Say you like to read hentai Manga, or japanese porn comics. If there could be your favorite scene in that book, what would it be? What would the world's greatest porn comic include?

and we totally need a new set from you like now!!
you have such a beautiful face!!

HAHAHAHAH!! Never in 1,000,000,000,000+ years [you get the point] would I call my hair 'perfect'.. [but thank you]. No wig.. It's all mine! [and it's crazy]