it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

This picture from Juliana's Screen set is one of my favorite photographs in general, let alone SG pic. Stunning, really.

So, tonight i scramble to get my midterm work done so that i can leave for Pennsic tomorrow. For those that don't remember from last year, you can read this post. And i'm just getting around to doing like, 2 weeks of packing done in one night. Really cutting it close down to the wire this year, but i REALLY want to go AND graduate. As i always say: Have your cake and eat it too.
Well, i guess i should get back to that. So i'll be gone from the 11th to like, the 19th, and will not have electricity let alone internet. I loves you guys, honest. I've just been uber busy, and will continue to be until the end of September. Then i can love you guys again like the old days. :3
that includes updated the SB listing. I haven't forgotten. I promise. T ^ T
fo shizzle.
Tcheuss. Ich liebe... ihnnen? mensch, meine deutch suchen. or something. bleah.

but I swear that grey hair doesn't suit me at all!
I tried it one time and... no pictures exist anymore^^