it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

My man mentions that the most awesome place he's ever had sex was in a cemetary in Norway (with quite possibly be the hottest white woman i have ever seen, might i add). It is my dream one day to have sex in a cemetary.

So this past weekend SG Meet thingy didn't work out becuase of inclimate weather and last minute shit popping up. Ah well. Next time, Gadget.
Today is pimp day.
First off, if you are female and love lingerie, go visit Spit_Pretty, for she makes teh awesome clothes for damn cheap.
Second, if you like art, go see einglaswein, for i like her Ankle Gash photos, and she needs to sell art to live. Please help her out.
And now, the world cup!
Argentina vs. Germany today! Must go!

i say he's crazy and that it's just Lorelei's incredible personality and skills with her camera that does it. thank you for checking it out.